Ubuntu QA wiki day

Stéphane Graber stgraber at ubuntu.com
Wed Jan 2 17:15:42 UTC 2008

Hello everyone,
I hope you enjoyed your first days of year 2008 and want to wish you all
an happy new year.

During last QA meeting, the date of January 3rd 2008 was chosen for the
Ubuntu QA wiki day.
So, I just had a quick look at the impressive list of wiki pages we
currently have and though a bit of how we should structure our wiki
Here is the current page listing for Testing/ :

* Testing
* Testing/Automation
* Testing/Cases
* Testing/Cases/AlternateInstall
* Testing/Cases/Apport
* Testing/Cases/DesktopUpgrade
* Testing/Cases/DriverUpdateCD
* Testing/Cases/EdubuntuAddOnCD
* Testing/Cases/EdubuntuDesktop
* Testing/Cases/ExpertInstall
* Testing/Cases/Header
* Testing/Cases/KubuntuDesktop
* Testing/Cases/LTSPServer
* Testing/Cases/LiveCDInstall
* Testing/Cases/LiveCDSession
* Testing/Cases/MigrationAssistant
* Testing/Cases/Multimedia
* Testing/Cases/NetbootInstall
* Testing/Cases/OEMInstall
* Testing/Cases/Printing
* Testing/Cases/RandomDesktop
* Testing/Cases/ServerInstall
* Testing/Cases/ServerUpgrade
* Testing/Cases/Template
* Testing/Cases/UMEdesktop
* Testing/Cases/UMEhardware
* Testing/Cases/UMEinstall
* Testing/Cases/UbuntuDesktop
* Testing/Cases/UbuntuStudio
* Testing/Cases/WinFOSS
* Testing/Cases/XubuntuDesktop
* Testing/Community
* Testing/FixesToVerify
* Testing/ForumProject
* Testing/Header
* Testing/HelpingOut
* Testing/ISO
* Testing/ISO/FAQ
* Testing/ISO/HowTo
* Testing/ISO/Procedures
* Testing/ISO/ReportingResults
* Testing/ISO/Schedule
* Testing/ISO/Status
* Testing/InstallMethods
* Testing/Introduction
* Testing/Kubuntu/Edgy/Knot2
* Testing/Kubuntu/Introduction
* Testing/Long
* Testing/Matrix
* Testing/Media
* Testing/PDA
* Testing/Phased
* Testing/Phased/One
* Testing/Phased/Two
* Testing/Rescue
* Testing/Server
* Testing/Server/AppArmor
* Testing/Server/GutsyRc
* Testing/Short
* Testing/Status
* Testing/Suite/Desktop
* Testing/TVCapture
* Testing/Team
* Testing/Team/Ideas
* Testing/Tracker
* Testing/Tracker/Block
* Testing/TrackerUpdate
* Testing/UpgradePaths
* Testing/UpgradePaths/Reports
* Testing/VirtualBox
* Testing/Xubuntu/Herd4
* Testing/md5sums
* Testing/old

The main thing I see when reading it is that it's currently a big mess
having iso, hardware and app testing mixed up, some of the testcases
being in Cases/ (mainly the "official" ones) and some others in

I have thought of that structure and would really like to get your
opinion about it:

Testing (our current main page, thanks to Dave)

Testing/ISOProcedures (will contain all ISO related procedures (list of
Testing/ISOProcedures/AlternateInstall (Alternate installation
procedure, same for all derivatives)
Testing/ISOProcedures/DesktopInstall (Desktop installation procedure,
same for all derivatives)
Testing/ISOProcedures/ServerInstall (Server installation procedure, same
for all derivatives)

Testing/ISOCases (will contain all ISO related testcases)
Testing/ISOCases/UbuntuSession (Ubuntu testcase for both Live and
installed system)
Testing/ISOCases/KubuntuSession (Kubuntu testcase for both Live and
installed system)
Testing/ISOCases/ServerSession (Server testcase)

Testing/AppProcedures (will contain all App related procedures)

Testing/AppCases (will contain all App related testcases)

Testing/HWCases (will contain all Hardware related testcases)

Testing/Tools (Help/Doc for the tools we use)

Testing/Community (Forum, IRC, ML, ...)


All our Cases/ pages would have to be moved to the right type (procedure
or actual testcase) and checked for redundancy (the least we can have
the better).

The "Session" word is here to replace "Desktop" as "Desktop" often makes
people to think of our "Desktop" CD which is not the case as we have to
go through those testcases when installing an Alternate image too.

I think that sorting our pages that way will make the different areas
were QA testing has to be done clearer to the reader and let him easily
choose his area of interest. It'll also let us manage our pages easier
than before as we'll work with smaller amount of pages.

What do you think of the proposed wiki structure ?
Should we use "LiveInstall" instead of "DesktopInstall" as the procedure
also applies to DVDs (or USB sticks, but that's unofficial) ?

I see the work to do tomorrow as four main topics :
 - Updating the pages (I saw lot of Feisty references, like "downloading
Virtualbox from Innotek") so they match Hardy testing goals.
 - Create missing pages (QA-Tracker with the new UI update, community
pages, main pages for the new categories (ISOProcedures, ISOCases)
 - Fixing typo and improving layout (add line breaks, screenshots,
pictures, ...)
 - Re-organizing the wiki structure

I'm also preparing a blog post (let's hope my blog still work, I haven't
used it for months :)) about the QA wiki day and will set up a wiki page
to help us organize the work.

Seeing you all tomorrow

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