[RFC] NBS page improvements

Andrea Gasparini gaspa at yattaweb.it
Fri Aug 29 10:38:58 UTC 2008

Hello QA boys.

In the last days I worked on a better code that address (IMHO) almost all 
NBS related issues.

The page could be found in a couple of place [1]... we're working for an 
official italian server, so i hope we'll move to it soon. 
The page could be found also in html format (just rename the 
extension. ;) ), and all these are updated once a day, at 1.00 UTC.

My code is at my bzr repos [2], and it need python-debian >= 0.1.11 (in 
main/intrepid at the moment) in order to work correctly.
It could be simply run by 
# python reverse_nbs.py
( there are options to change output-type, to not re-download *.gz 
files..etc )

Things that (afaik) ~ubuntu-archive page doesn't supports are:
- better look and feel ;) My page is organized for source package, giving 
at a glance a list of _all_ the issues that should be corrected.
- search in all relations field, for each package stanza ( now are used 
Recommends, Depends, Build-Depends ) 
- prune from all issued packages the ones that are itself NBSs. (searching 
in Binary for source stanzas, and in all relations for both sources and 
binary stanzas)
- anchor for each package... http://.../reversenbs.xml#package brings you 
to the right package... (ok, it's a dumb and simple thing, but the page 
tend to be very long, so it'd be useful...)

Things that aren't still supported are:
- Conflicts, Suggest and Enhance fields. (quite simple to add, just have 
time to do it)

Things that could be done:
- inserting a link for each package also to the original NBS page, although 
it's already full of links... I'm worried that other links could make the 
page unreadeable. Perhaps should I change the 'NBS source' link with 
an 'ubuntu-archive NBS page' ?
- an usage() function that document better options and their use...

I'll be happy for any comments that could made this a useful tool for any 


[1] http://hattory.no-ip.info:69/issues/nbs/reversenbs.xml
[2] https://code.launchpad.net/~gaspa/+junk/ubuntu_qa_tools
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