Please need a assistance to install 'Autopilot' test automation tool on Ubuntu12.04 Unity desktop

Suganthini Pararajasingam sakthysuganthini at
Fri Mar 8 09:51:27 UTC 2013

Hi Team,

I'm trying to configure 'Autopilot' unity test automation tool in my ubuntu
machine which has ubuntu12.04 unity desktop environment. Actually, i refer
the below link for the reference.


I have executed the below command to install some additional
dependencypackages to support Autopilot.
sudo apt-get install python-xlib python-testtools recordmydesktop
inotify-tools python-compizconfig python-setuptools python-testscenario

After installing the above mentioned dependency packages even, I couldn't
be found out the location for autopilot availability. is there any other
mandatory requirements available for Autopilot installation?

If Autopilot is installed properly, where can be find out the 'Autopilot'

Appreciate greatly if you would be given the proper guidance to follow up
'Autopilot' installation

Thanks & Regards,
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