[Ubuntu-PT 10731] Re: Typing the ccedilla (ç) character

Rosalvo Pereira de Souza ropesogm gmail.com
Domingo, 12 de Abril de 2015 - 04:42:06 UTC

Whether you'm using KDE, GNOME, Unity, XFCE, LXDE, Fluxbox, any other Flux,
that is, whether you are using any graphical environment, and also any
Linux Distro any, you can make the keyboard work in the Portuguese Brazil,
sharp and to "cedilla", with this simple trick ... In a Terminal, give this

*$ Setxkbmap -model ABNT2 -layout en -variant ABNT2*

Enter and take a ready working keyboard!

2015-04-07 19:50 GMT-03:00 Gunnar Hjalmarsson <gunnarhj em ubuntu.com>:

> Hi all!
> I'm involved in the resolution of an Ubuntu bug about typing the ç
> character.
> https://launchpad.net/bugs/518056
> It was a Brazilian user who filed the bug report, and the requested
> behavior is to be able to use the dead key + c ('+c) to type ç. It
> should be noted that the "English (US, international with dead keys)"
> keyboard layout is frequently used in Brazil. We have now figured out a
> decent way to set it up as desired from a Brazilian POV.
> We believe it would be a good idea to implement the same solution for
> users in Portugal (the pt_PT.UTF-8 locale). However, it would be great
> if some of you could comment on it first. There are a few comments in
> the bug report (#103 - #113) about making it work the same way for pt_PT
> as it works for pt_BR.
> Looking forward to know about your opinions, either in the bug report or
> by replying to this message.
> --
> Cheers,
> Gunnar Hjalmarsson
> https://launchpad.net/~gunnarhj
> --
> ubuntu-pt mailing list
> ubuntu-pt em lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-pt

Rosalvo Pereira de Souza

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