[Ubuntu-PT 9915] Re: [Ubuntu] Configurações de vídeo

Osmo Antero osmoma gmail.com
Quinta-Feira, 29 de Novembro de 2012 - 19:10:56 UTC

Ok Wilson.
1) Can you login to the system via a console. It's totally text based.
Press CNTR + ALT + F1  (one of F1...F6) when your computer stops at

(CNTR + ALT + F7 will you back to the graphical x-window screen).

2) Can you start your computer in "recovery mode" from the start (grub)
It will start with safe video mode.

3) You may also start the computer in "maintenance" or "single user" mode
by editing the GRUB-line in the start menu.
Press 'e' to edit grub menu, then add the word "single" to end of that line
(do not press ENTER).
Then press CNTR + x (or F10) to boot.

4) What about Ubuntu 12.10?

 Osmo Antero De Quental

ps. audio-recorder for Ubuntu 12.10.

On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 4:38 PM, Wilson Marinho <wilson.marinho at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hello,
> I appreciated your help but I don't access my login.
> Do you have another way?
> See you,
> --
> *Wilson Marinho
> (61) 8173-6555
> *
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// moma

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