[Ubuntu-PT 8006] Problemas firewall - Portas não abrem

Miguel miguel.angelo.mendes.ferreira gmail.com
Segunda-Feira, 13 de Setembro de 2010 - 21:09:44 BST

Olá a todos!

O problema é o seguinte:

Instalei o programa "aMule Adunanza", e estou a receber notificações de 
"low id" de cada vez que me conecto a um servidor. Para tentar resolver 
o problema
tentei abrir as portas 4662 a 4669 com o programa "Firestarter" (não 
consegui), e depois tentei com o programa "ufw firewall", o qual também 
não abriu. Ou seja, as portas continuam fechadas. Verifiquei a situação 
com um programa online da internet que me fez um scan ás portas e o 
resultado é que as portas estão _todas fechadas_... Isto inclusivé a 
porta 80... Já desliguei a firewall do router e o resultado é o mesmo...

O site que me fez o scan ás minhas portas é o seguinte:


Parte do relatório do scan:

*Solicited TCP Packets: PASSED* --- No TCP packets were received from 
your system as a direct result of our attempts to elicit some response 
from any of the ports listed below --- they are all either fully 
stealthed or blocked by your ISP. However* . . .*

*Unsolicited Packets: PASSED* --- No Internet packets of any sort were 
received from your system as a side-effect of our attempts to elicit 
some response from any of the ports listed above. Some questionable 
personal security systems expose their users by attempting to 
"counter-probe the prober", thus revealing themselves. But your system 
remained wisely silent. (Except for the fact that not all of its ports 
are completely stealthed as shown below.)

*Ping Reply: RECEIVED (FAILED)* --- Your system REPLIED to our Ping 
(ICMP Echo) requests, making it visible on the Internet. Most personal 
firewalls can be configured to block, drop, and ignore such ping 
requests in order to better hide systems from hackers. This is highly 
recommended since "Ping" is among the oldest and most common methods 
used to locate systems prior to further exploitation.

Aceito sugestões...

Miguel Ferreira
*Eu apoio uma Europa livre de patentes de software. E você?*


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