ubuntu live

Rui Amaral ruimoinhosster gmail.com
Quinta-Feira, 5 de Abril de 2007 - 21:11:37 BST

[image: The image
"http://www.ubuntulive.com/images/ubuntu2007/logo_date_loc.gif" cannot be
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Listen. Discuss. Learn. Ubuntu in action.
Useful, accessible, customizable, and freely available, Ubuntu is the most
popular Linux variant on the planet. Ubuntu Live is being launched to
provide a meeting place for Ubuntu users, contributors, and partners--and
the Ubuntu-curious. Learn how Ubuntu can make a critical difference in your
business or project and engage with the global open source community at the
largest Ubuntu gathering yet.



"La simplicidad consiste en sustraer lo que es obvio y añadir lo
John Maeda <http://www.media.mit.edu/people/bio_maeda.html>
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