Is this mailing list defunct?

David david at
Tue Sep 27 18:12:31 UTC 2011

You make a good point, where are the list admins?

I'm wondering if the Ubuntu community has a bad case of the new exciting idea turning into actual work issue.

I've now seen quite a few mailing lists start up with massive excitement and lots of interest and then weeks later are dead.

I quite like the idea of a power users mailing list so I might make an effort to make a new topic or reply to a post at least once every 2 weeks.

- ikt

----- Original Message -----
From: "Robert Potter" <rpotter at>
To: "Ubuntu Power User Group" <ubuntu-power-users at>
Sent: Wednesday, 28 September, 2011 2:32:45 AM
Subject: Fwd: Is this mailing list defunct?

Sadly, I don't posses the skills needed to dig into the code and contribute like that. I don't even know that I would say I have a real strong understanding of Linux/Unix. 

That said, I signed up for this mailing list to be informed, educated and possibly to offer a view point from time to time. I suspect there is development on some of these projects as a result of this mailing list, but with no updates it just seems like nothing is going on. 

Perhaps occasional feedback on the attempted work/progress that is being made would be helpful. These updates would inform, would also highlight additional needs or indicate testing needs. As an added benefit, this mail list would show positive and encouraging activity. A "possible" long term benefit would be the message to Ubuntu developers and community that the needs/desires of this group and those this group represents is strong and needed. 

Just my 5 cents worth ( € 0.0368) :) 

- Rob Potter 

On Tue, Sep 27, 2011 at 10:03 AM, David < david at > wrote: 

ways to make this mailing list more active: 

1. ^_^? 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mike Basinger" < mike.basinger at > 
To: "anthropornis" < anthropornis at > 
Cc: ubuntu-power-users at 
Sent: Tuesday, 27 September, 2011 12:50:46 AM 
Subject: Re: Is this mailing list defunct? 

No, but been quiet. What projects could we work on with Ubuntu 11.10 coming out. 
Mike Basinger 
mike.basinger at 

On Sep 24, 2011, at 8:16 PM, anthropornis wrote: 

> Just wondering if it is time to unsubscribe 
> -- 
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