Our assets and Ubuntu Tweak

Mike Basinger mike.basinger at ubuntu.com
Tue Oct 18 12:23:03 UTC 2011

There is an UT PPA. Isn't there a way to link source code from Github to Launchpad? 

Like I said before we need someone with knowledge on Ubuntu development and the proper steps on getting a program properly into the repos.

Ubuntu Tweak Action Items
1. Contact Ding Zhou (Ubuntu Tweak main dev) - Completed, but needs improvement
2. Get Source into LP
15. Get Ubuntu Tweak into Ubuntu repo/on Ubuntu CD


Mike Basinger
mike.basinger at ubuntu.com

On Oct 9, 2011, at 6:38 PM, James Gifford wrote:

> Just a reminder that the UT source code is on Github, not launchpad - https://github.com/tualatrix/ubuntu-tweak
> Cheers,
> James Gifford
> On Oct 9, 2011, at 20:24, Mike Basinger <mike.basinger at ubuntu.com> wrote:
>> This has been a lot of talk of the Ubuntu Power Users helping the developer of Ubuntu Tweak getting the program into the distro, but there has not been any traction on this. The one thing we need to look at it our personnel assets, and see if we got the proper Ubuntu/Debian packaging knowledge to do this. It is one thing to make a PPA, but and whole another thing to dot all the i's and cross all the t's to get a package in the distro proper.
>> Who on this list has Ubuntu packaging knowledge and can give us a list of action items we need to do to properly help get Ubuntu Tweak in the repos before Ubuntu 12.04.
>> Cheers,
>> Mike
>> --
>> Mike Basinger
>> mike.basinger at ubuntu.com
>> -- 
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