Multi-monitor setups and Unity

James Gifford james at
Fri Oct 14 20:57:12 UTC 2011

Let me explain exactly what I meant by "multi monitor support for
Unity is lacking".

It's not as polished/flexible as it could/should be. I use a netbook
and a external VGA monitor without too many issues - outside of the
aforementioned bug, the only one I ever run into problems with is

James Gifford

On Fri, Oct 14, 2011 at 3:45 PM, Marcio Merlone
<marcio.merlone at> wrote:
> Em 14-10-2011 15:43, James Gifford escreveu:
> Yeah, I see that bug. Hadn't really noticed until you asked about it.
> Multi monitor support for Unity is lacking, but hopefully things will
> get *super* polished in 12.04.
> I am still using Maverick, I was waiting for a more polished Unity. Now,
> I'll have to wait for the LTS, since I cannot survive without two monitors
> (at work). Big issue.
> --
> Marcio Merlone

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