Fwd: Ubuntu Global Jam: Get ready!

Robert Sajdok robert.sajdok w gmail.com
Wto, 5 Lip 2011, 20:54:59 UTC

Nie ma ludzi zmotywowanych w Polsce do organizacji tej imprezy.

On 07/05/11 at 10:42pm, Przemek Kulczycki wrote:
> Zbliża się kolejny Global Jam - info w załączniku.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Daniel Holbach <daniel.holbach w ubuntu.com>
> Date: 5 July 2011 18:24
> Subject: Ubuntu Global Jam: Get ready!
> To:
> Hello,
> I just wanted to reach out to you as a leader in the Ubuntu LoCo
> Community to see if you would be interested in organizing an Ubuntu
> Global Jam (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGlobalJam) event between 2nd
> - 4th September 2011.
> The Ubuntu Global Jam is a worldwide event in which Ubuntu LoCo Teams
> get together at a local venue and work on Ubuntu, get know each other,
> and otherwise just have a lot of fun! These events are simple to
> organize, a great way of meeting people in your area, and a great way
> of learning (at many of these events people share skills, techniques
> and more about using and contributing to Ubuntu).
> This Ubuntu Global Jam is also a particularly important one. Ubuntu
> 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot is shaping up to be a stunning release, and we are
> all putting a lot of focus in ensuring that Unity gets lots of
> testing, and our awesome LoCo community is helping with this.
> Organizing an Ubuntu Global Jam event is a great opportunity to do
> some of this testing and provide feedback to help make Oneiric better. I
> strongly believe that this Ubuntu release is going to really help
> Ubuntu bring Free Software to the masses. :-)
> You can see the list of current events planned at
> http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/1011/detail/ and we would love to
> encourage you to organize and event and participate!
>  > Organizing An Event <
> It is really simple. Here is how:
>  1. Pick a date (a day between the 2nd-4th September 2011) and choose a
> venue. The venue can simply be a coffee shop or bar that you all meet
> at, or something more structured like a college or university. Many
> teams just pick a coffee shop (not needing to inform the owners) and
> just all agree to all meet up at the same time, date and location.
>  2. Add your event to loco.ubuntu.com. To do this, go to
> http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/1011/detail/, make sure you are
> signed in and then use the Add Team Event page to add your event.
> Note: you need to be a member of your LoCo Team in Launchpad to add an
> event to loco.ubuntu.com.
>  3. Finally, spread the word! Blog about it, post about it on
> Twitter/identi.ca (be sure to use the #globaljam hashtag!), post about
> the event to your team's mailing list, put posters up around your local
> area and more.
> ...and then, show up on the day of your event and have a great time!
> Thanks in advance if you do organize an event, and we look forward to
> reading more about your event online!
> Have a great day,
>  Daniel
> -- Ubuntu Developer Week: 11th-15th July 2011
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek
> -- 
> # Przemysław Kulczycki
> ## Jabber/XMPP/Gtalk/Tlen ID: azrael[na]jabster.pl
> ## (Co to jest? Zobacz na: http://jabberfaq.info )
> # www: http://reksio.ftj.agh.edu.pl/~azrael/
> -- 
> ubuntu-pl mailing list
> ubuntu-pl w lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-pl
> Zasady dyskusji na liście: http://maciej.chojnacki.name/ubuntu/

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