PD: [SFD-discuss] SFD 2010 registration is OPEN!!!
Przemek Kulczycki
przemekkulczycki w gmail.com
Pon, 19 Lip 2010, 15:37:24 BST
Wreszcie otworzono rejestracje na sfd2010. Czytajcie zalaczonego maila i
spieszcie sie z rejestracja jesli chcecie dostac plyty.
[WiadomoĹÄ wysĹana z Motoroli Milestone]
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Od: "Frederic Muller" <fred w beijinglug.org>
Data: 2010-07-19 15:46
Temat: [SFD-discuss] SFD 2010 registration is OPEN!!!
Do: "SFD announcements" <sfd-announce w sf-day.org>, "Open discussions about
SFD" <sfd-discuss w sf-day.org>
Dear all,
This is with a lot of struggles that we have finally managed to open the SFD
2010 registration <http://cgi.softwarefreedomday.org/register.html>! As you
can see there is still a lot of ongoing work on the site, and this includes
a New Wiki <http://wiki.softwarefreedomday.org> where you can create your
team page <http://wiki.softwarefreedomday.org/CreateYourTeampage>, a new
home page <http://maddog.softwarefreedomday.org/cms-sfd/> for all the
information about Software Freedom International and other generic and
important stuff and much more to come. I want to particularly thank *Thilo*,
*JM*, *Matt* and *Robert* for helping out as well as our web infrastructure
sponsors, that is Canonical <http://www.canonical.com> and
Linode<http://www.linode.com>for providing our little corner on the
web. Due to the delay there will only
be 10 days to get free CDs this year, so don't slack!
And happy SFD preparations!
Oh and by the way, the direct link to registering your team is here
http://cgi.softwarefreedomday.org/register.html after creating your team
page <http://wiki.softwarefreedomday.org/CreateYourTeampage> of course.
Any question please let us know.
The SFI Board
SFD-discuss mailing list
SFD-discuss w sf-day.org
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