[letterrip@gmail.com: Blender Translation day]

Emil Oppeln-Bronikowski emil w bronikowski.com
Pią, 7 Kwi 2006, 23:57:46 BST

Wydanie się zbliża.. zbliża.. :-)

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From: Tom M <letterrip w gmail.com>
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if this could be forwarded to the various local translation teams it
would be appreciated

In preperation for the up coming Dapper Drake Ubuntu release
and the Blender 2.42 release we are hosting a translation day to help
individuals who are unfamiliar with the translation process, or who
are experienced translators but have not translated for Blender to
help get involved.

For those unfamiliar with Blender, Blender is a full featured 3D digital
content creation tool - it can do modeling (subdivision, point by point,
 metaball, curve, and nurbs); uv mapping; texturing (node based,
 procedural, paint, or image based); rigging; weighting; animating;
 rendering; node based compositing; and has tools for fluid simulation;
 soft body dynamics (cloth and jiggling); hard body dynamics (physics);
 particle based hair; standard particles; and a full scripting system and API.

We would like Blender to be available to as wide an audience as
possible and a big part of that is having Blender and its
documentation available in a language that the user can understand.
So if the idea of having people in your local communities be able to
use Blender to create cool 3D content appeals to you, please come help
translate this Blender Translators Day.  All help will be greatly

Sunday the 9th of April is Blender Translators day.

We will meet in #blenderwiki on irc.freenode.net at two times

7 AM GMT Sunday  1:30 India (For India)
3 PM GMT Sunday

We will have people there to help with various issues, such as getting
permissions on the wiki, help with understanding what a word means if
it is unclear and other issues that might arise.

There are three potential translation tasks that can be done,

Translation of Blenders tool tips and interface elements for the
Dapper release, which can be done at


Another task is traslation of the quickstart guide located at


it can be edited with Scribus which can be downloaded from

The third task is translation of the user manual which is on the wiki


Which has translations started in a number of languages. Editing the
wiki requires edit permissions which can be gained signing up at the
wiki and then by emailing

LetterRip AT gmail DOT com

there is also offsite translations of the manual for Chinese,
Japanese, and German



and German

To help with the terminology there are the following glossary pages
(although the glossary is still in progress, new terms will be added
as needed).



If you like feel free to start early :)  If you have any questions,
please feel free to contact me at

LetterRip AT gmail DOT com

loco-contacts mailing list
loco-contacts w lists.ubuntu.com

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 Emil Oppeln-Bronikowski, http://bronikowski.com
 "Hate your enemies. Save your friends.  Find your place. Speak the truth."

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