Ubuntu Language Teams
Remigiusz Dymecki
remigiusz w gmail.com
Sob, 2 Kwi 2005, 03:39:07 CST
> If you don't see a team for your language, send an email to
> rosetta w ubuntu.com asking for it.
No chyba tak.
On Apr 1, 2005 9:58 PM, Maciej Chojnacki <byte w byte.livenet.pl> wrote:
> Panowie też dostali tego maila? Tak się zastanawiam czy musimy
> występować o status oficjalnego Language Team'u?
> <cytat>
> Hi translators!
> We are almost ready to handle Ubuntu translations through Rosetta!
> As this announcement is being sent, all PO files in Ubuntu are being
> imported into Rosetta. This import process will continue over the next
> few days.
> One of the final steps in getting ready is the creation of Ubuntu
> Language Teams. We will accept new translations from anyone, but only
> members of the Ubuntu Language Teams will be able to edit and correct
> existing translations.
> How to join an Ubuntu Language Team:
> * Go to this page to see a list of language teams:
> https://launchpad.ubuntu.com/people/?searchfor=teamsonly&name=ubuntu
> +translators
> If you don't see a team for your language, send an email to
> rosetta w ubuntu.com asking for it.
> * Select your team from the list of teams you will see in that page.
> * Click over the "Join" link besides the "Active Members" entry.
> * Confirm the subscription.
> That's it!
> Expect another announcement soon about how to get started translating
> Ubuntu in Rosetta.
> * The Ubuntu Code of Conduct applies to translators too, so please,
> read it if you are interested in working on Ubuntu translations:
> http://www.ubuntulinux.org/community/conduct
> * Your team membership will be revoked if you abuse your position as an
> Ubuntu translator.
> * Software translation is a challenging process, we ask that you join
> the Ubuntu Translation Team only if you have some previous experience
> translating software into your language.
> * We hope to bring the same spirit of collaboration to translation as
> we
> have in the other aspects of the Ubuntu project, so please be
> prepared
> to work as a team. We encourage the use of mailing lists to
> coordinate translations. If there is no mailing list for your
> language, just ask our mailing list master at
> mailman-admin w lists.ubuntu.com. You can check for a mailing list
> here:
> http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/
> </cytat>
> --
> Maciek
> http://dhost.info/byte/ubuntu.html
> http://byte.livenet.pl
> --
> ubuntu-pl mailing list
> ubuntu-pl w lists.ubuntu.com
> http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-pl
Remigiusz Dymecki
remigiusz w gmail.com
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