Fwd: Call for gutsy translations

Dominik Zablotny doza w sztorm.net
Wto, 2 Paź 2007, 11:12:38 BST

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Steve Langasek <steve.langasek w canonical.com>
Date: 02-10-2007 11:41
Subject: Call for gutsy translations
To: ubuntu-translators w lists.ubuntu.com

Dear friends,

With the Gutsy beta release out, it's time for us to have a look at the
translation status for Ubuntu 7.10.

https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy/+translations shows that the
translation status is already quite good for many languages - with Spanish
at the top with 95% translated, and French, Swedish, British English and
German each over 80% complete, a total of 28 languages are more than 50%

But we would love to have more complete translations for the release, so
this is a call for Gutsy translations.

The deadline for non-language pack translations (such as for the installer,
Firefox, and debconf templates) is right around the corner on October 4, and
the deadline for language pack translations is also not far away on October
11.  The full timeline for the Gutsy release can be found at
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule for your reference.

ubuntu-translators mailing list
ubuntu-translators w lists.ubuntu.com
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