Ubuntu-Pakistan Ubuntu-Linux Pakistan Team Community Code of Conduct notice to Mr. Noumaan y.noumaan at gmail.com
Fouad Riaz Bajwa
bajwa at ubuntu.com
Sat Aug 26 12:10:00 BST 2006
Dear Noumaan,
The Ubuntu-Linux Pakistan Team has observed that you may have made
intentionally/unintentionally an attempt to disrupt the process of the
voluntary community development activity by attempting to moderate through
your personal e-mail address lobbying on the Ubuntu-PK mailing list as well
as the official Ubuntu-Pakistan LoCo Team wiki at http://www.ubuntu.com
without the consent of the Ubuntu-Linux Pakistan Team.
Please note the community process:
1. The Ubuntu-Linux Pakistan Team is open and inclusive to everyone from
Pakistan who wants to learn about, adopt, use, seek support and share
Ubuntu-Linux. This team is managed through a Pakistan wide mailing list at:
2. The Ubuntu-Pakistan Team at Launchpad.net is for developers, those who
build and contribute to the Ubuntu-Linux system as translators or
contributors of other technical code. All developers have to show practical
contributions before being granted membership.
3. The Wikis on the Ubuntu-Linux website that you have attempted to edit are
of temporary status and may or may not affect the Ubuntu-Linux Pakistan Team
in Pakistan but you have violated the code of conduct as to making a
personal attempt to remove information without the team's consent.
Pakistan Team believes that you may have done this due to the following
1. You are not aware of the Ubuntu Community Code of Conduct
2. You have not formally introduced yourself to the Ubuntu-Linux Pakistan
Community that comprises of over 800 members most of which are Ubuntu-Linux
Certified Users by FOSSFP in collaboration with its partners. Most of these
members have received formal Ubuntu-Linux training as well.
3. You have not discussed your interest prior to editing Pakistan Team wikis
on the international Ubuntu-Linux website.
You are advised to do the following:
1. Mail to the administrator of the list at bajwa at ubuntu.com your personal
and professional information, a CV would do, your contact information and a
statement about why you have attempted to edit and remove information on the
Pakistan-Team without its consent. This attempt can entitle you to be banned
due to misconduct.
2. A list of your prior contributions to the Linux communities worldwide and
your membership status with the Ubuntu-Linux international community. Your
status shall now have to be strictly confirmed whether developer or
translator only.
3. In order to join the Pakistan Team, you have to show your interest by
introducing how you can contribute like Waqas Toor, then the administrator
will forward your request to all members and see if anyone has objections.
If anyone has objections, the Pakistan Team will listen to the verdict
4. It is in the spirit of the Ubuntu-Linux Community that the Code of
Conduct is followed at all times negligence of which, one may not be
entitled anymore to be part of the Ubuntu-Linux community.
* Code of conduct will be re-distributed to all team members anytime today
Fouad Riaz Bajwa
Team Leader
Ubuntu-Linux Pakistan LoCo Team
Cell: 92-333-4661290
Tel: 92-42-5030039
E-Mail: bajwa at ubuntu.com
URL: www.ubuntu-pk.org
Mailing List: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-pk
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