Ubuntu-Pakistan Free Jobsite by Indian NGO
login4job at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 26 09:23:15 CDT 2005
Indian NGO AICMEU Helps Job seekers and Employers.
Let us introduce ourselves as an employment database called www.login4job.com, developed and monitored by an Indian NGO called AICMEU. The object is to benefit the jobseekers and Employers by helping them interact to each other without any hassle. Our services are 100% free for employers and jobseekers.
Any person / organization interested in eradication of unemployment by providing job information may join us as Info Centre. Info Centre is thus understood as network of associated members who honorary offer their services to promote the cause among the local jobseekers and employers get interacted each other without any hassle / hurdle. We hope to get cooperation of social activists like you to share the cause.
How to register as Info Centre?
To register as a member of login4job.com Info Centre Network, you may type http://www.login4job.com at any internet browser. Then click on Info Centre button. Here you may find New Info Centre? Register Here. You need to click on Register Here. This will open a small form to be filled up by you to submit your details.
In this page you have to first choose your User Name and Password. This Username and password will be required for you if in future you need to update your data. After choosing User Name and Password, you have to name the Info Centre which will be recognized with you. If you dont have any Centre, you may put Login4job Info Centre to make a name sense. You also need to mention your country, state and city wise location, full name, address, e mail ID and phone number. Then you click the save button. It will reveal a congratulation message for you confirming your registration. Check the submitted data by clicking on check the list of existing Info Centre. You will see yourself get listed among the Info Centres.
If you need to make any change in your data, type your opted User name and Password on Info Centre page and click submit. After doing the changes click save. The records will be updated. We seek public cooperation and coordination to make this scheme popular and most useful for free job information to the Jobseekers and Employers of the community.
Tips to register as an Employer?
1. Open www.login4job.com
2. Click on Employers, and then click on Register Here in front of New Employer
3. Enter Employers details to register as an Employer. Choose your login ID and Password
4. Click on submit button when you filled up the registration form
5. After successful registration, a congratulation message will be displayed over. Click on login to fill up resume profile.
6. Now you need to submit the login ID and Password you would have just submitted in registration form. Put here your ID and Password and click submit button.
7. Now you have options to add, edit or delete job requirements. You may also update your Profile submitted as an Employer.
8. To add any new vacancy, just click on add button, a new page will open. Here you need to fill up prescribed form by mentioning No. of Posts, Name of designation, Eligibility required by Applicant for the same post ( level of education), with trade (Subject), minimum experience in the trade, Any additional qualification if required. You may also mention the last date for receipt of Applicants Profile and Date you seek interviews of Applicants. Click submit button after filling the columns.
How to Submit / edit / delete vacancy by an Employer?
· If you need to add more vacancies, then repeat the same process by clicking on add.
· If you need to edit any vacancy, you may select the vacancy you had added, click on Edit button and make the changes. Click on Submit to save the changes.
· Similarly, if you need to delete the vacancy, select the vacancy you had submitted, Click on delete button to delete the vacancy permanently from the database.
How to get free resumes for required Jobs?
After you submit your job requirements, our database will look for suitable Resumes for the job requirements submitted by you. Each time when a jobseeker registers, the database checks his/ her data with available jobs, out print the match result with option to send e mails to both ends. On Admins command e mail goes to both employer and Jobseeker about the match result. The mail contains the name, e mail, telephone and option to see further details at database. This helps the Employers and Jobseekers to interact with each other.
Note:- You need to be very specific about your level of education, subjects and desired designation and experience because on these parameters the database will search opportunities for any jobseeker.
Please feel free to call me on line at 9820127108 (MUMBAI) or e mail us at login4job at yahoo.com.If you want, you may also send an attached job requirement to the admin which may be printed at our job stand page for general information to jobseekers. This may enable you to catch the attention of even unregistered jobseekers but have seen the job stand page.
How to register as a jobseeker?
1. Open www.login4job.com
2. Click on jobseekers, and then click on Register Here in front of New Applicants
3. Fill up the form choosing your login ID and Password
4. Click on submit button when you filled up the registration form
5. After successful registration, a congratulation message will be displayed over. Click on login to fill up resume profile.
6. Now you need to submit the login ID and Password you would have just submitted in registration form. Put here your ID and Password and click submit button.
7. Now you have to fill up a complete resume profile describing your age, sex, Address, E mail account, level of education, subjects, desired designation, Experience in years with your academic and experience details. After filling the columns in detail, click on submit button. This will submit your resume to the database and register your resume.
This is in fact a seven step registration process.
Now our database will look for suitable vacancy for you on the basis of your level of education, subject, desired designation and experience. And send e mail at your inbox about successful match.
Note:- You need to be very specific about your level of education, subjects (max. three) and desired designation and experience because on these parameters the database will search opportunities for any jobseeker. Moreover you are advised to periodically check the jobs at job stand page at www.login4job.com.
What is extra with www.login4job.com that goes in favour of jobseekers?
If you have tired up with the recruiters policy of resume filtration, here at www.login4job.com your resume profile will not be manually filtered rather the database will automatically send your profile to the employer if you qualify the level of education, experience and designation. So after login in with us, you assure your resume forwarding to employer by our database and no one can check your resume for rejection.
If you want, you may send an attached CV attached as MS word doc file to the admin at login4job at yahoo.com which may be kept safe in our job disk and on request of employer, we may submit that as well. We hope you would like to guide others as well to submit their resumes in the same style. For any further question, please feel free to call me at 9820127108.
Thanks and oblige
Syed Zahid Ahmad
Admin www.login4job.com
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