hello all! i created this thread for newbie questions and then some more questions from the not so newbies...<br>
the reason behind my creation of such is not to lose the train/trains
of thoughts of threads (or conversations as gmail will call it) of the
ubuntu ph mailing list.<br>
so here are my questions:<br>
1. has anyone installed gyach enhanced? how? does it do: webcam broadcast, view webcam broadcasts and voice chat?<br>
2. i have a winfast 2000 xp tv tuner. i tried my M$ rig with live
cd of ubuntu preview. it worked with TV viewer but there's no
sound - has anyone solved this problem?<br>
3. i'm looking for alternatives to windows based games like ragna, dota, gunbound and the like. any suggestions?<br>
that's all for now and thanks in advance!<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>The 3 BE's: Be hopeful. BE humble. BE happy.