[Ubuntu-PH] OFFTOPIC: Invitation to attend the Mindanao Bloggers Summit 2010

Yolynne Medina yolynne at gmail.com
Sat Jul 31 21:16:04 UTC 2010

Hello All!  *
**Calling all Personal/Political/Photo/Technology ( and all other kinds of )
on behalf of the Zamboanga City Bloggers Core Group, I would like to invite
you to attend the Mindanao Bloggers Summit 2010
Schedule of Events
October 29, 2010 Blogging Symposium and Welcome Night
October 30, 2010 MBS Proper
October 31, 2010 City Tour...Please stay tuned for more updates! Muchas
gracias! For any queries pls. send an

SMS to me (Yolynne) @ *09161524811* TM or
IM @ GoogleTalk: *yolynne*
YahooMessenger: *yolynne.rm*

Pls. forward to your friends who might be interested to attend as well! See
you soon!

*Yolynne Medina*
Social Media Committee
Mindanao Bloggers Summit

P.S. *
Interested parties who want to be partners/sponsors/benefactors/exhibitors
kindly email grace.sojor at gmail.com (Secretariat and Sponsorship Committee)*
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