[Ubuntu-PH] First General Meeting for 2010

hard wyrd hardwyrd at gmail.com
Mon Jan 25 13:29:30 UTC 2010

On Mon, Jan 25, 2010 at 5:03 PM, Allan Caeg <allancaeg at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi hard wyrd,
> If you are referring to https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=ubuntu-ph
> , you'll basically be in the IRC. You'll just be chatting on your browser.
I know that.

What I'm thinking is possibility of web-based conferencing instead of just

I'm not privy to IRC whether on the terminal, browser or otherwise.

Regardless, hoping for a really good discussion on the meeting.


Penguin, penguin, and more penguin.

Believe that within the brain is a brain, and within it another brain, and
so on and so forth.
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