[Ubuntu-PH] Ubuntu Inquiry

Dax Solomon Umaming knightlust at ubuntu.com
Tue Jan 12 17:25:35 UTC 2010

Hi Jake,

Welcome to the wonderful world of Ubuntu

On Tuesday, 12 January, 2010 10:18 PM, joaquin reyes wrote:


> I reside in Quezon City and recently got hold of a live CD of ver 9.10.
> My daughter and i thought of installing ubuntu to our pc but took the
> initial option of dual booting it along side windows xp. We took this
> option with the intention of just seeing if and how ubuntu will work for
> us and if it does we plan to remove xp and install ubuntu as the sole os
> for the pc.
> We had no problems doing the install. We were able to boot to 9.10 as
> well as xp.

Very nice!

> The problem is that we can not connect to the internet. We have a
> bayantel dsl subscription. and its running well under xp. We tried doing
> some work arounds based on a couple of suggestions found in the net but
> we were unable to connect.
> Our pc is a P4 running xp pro sp3. DSL is bayantel.
> What do we need to do to get our internet working under ubuntu.

I'm not familiar with Bayantel. But have you checked your settings? Does
your router/modem provide you with a dynamic ip address? or do you have
to manually set it up? I suggest you check your XP network settings.
Also try reading the networking manual available at the wiki[1]

> By the way, my daughter had previously been able to run ver9.04 under
> VMWare in her netbook and had no problems using it, including the
> internet. She expected to have a similarly easy time installing 9.10.
> Any suggestions on how we can go about this?

You have to burn the iso (by downloading it) to a usb stick. You can use
Ubuntu's USB Startup Disk Creator (System > Administration > USB Startup
Disk Creator) or UNetbootin[2] (I've been using this personally).
There's also a good tutorial available online[3].

A word of caution though, you'll have to manually partition the netbook
so make sure you have the original install and drivers cd (if you want
to dual-boot Windows and Ubuntu) and don't forget to backup your files.

> We also came across a video on doing a dual boot installation of a much
> earlier version of ubuntu wherein the guy was able to access the net
> using the live cd option of trying out ubuntu without changing anything
> in his current system. We then ran the live cd under this option, was
> able to run ubuntu but still no internet connection.

Right, I suspect a configuration issue. BTW, are you connecting via a
router or do you connect directly via the dsl modem?

> Thanks.
> Jake Reyes

[1] https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/internet/C/networking-enable.html
[2] http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/
[3] http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/install-linux-with-ease-using-unetbootin/

Dax Solomon Umaming

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