[Ubuntu-PH] New Google Apps education community sites launched | Education IT | ZDNet.com Something to be used in the clasroom

"Yosif ali" Roque Morales queroph at gmail.com
Wed Jul 1 08:01:49 UTC 2009

New Google Apps education community sites launched

Having just made it through a successful rollout of Google Educational Apps,
I was looking for interesting sites and easy training materials for teachers
to ponder over the summer. Along comes
@jkeltner<http://twitter.com/jkeltner>on Twitter and points me towards
two community-driven sites devoted to
Google Apps, Education Edition.

The first, the Google Apps Education Community<http://edu.googleapps.com/Home>,
was just launched on Sunday. It includes discussions, tutorials, tips, and
other useful resources for educators deploying or using Google Apps.

The second is really centered around the use of Google Apps in the
Providing a variety of searchable lesson plans and lesson templates, the
site gives examples ranging from a choose-your-own-adventure story to a data
collection and analysis project on human

I’ve been a champion for Google Apps for some time and am really excited to
see a creative bunch of teachers in action looking at ways to exploit the
power of Edu Apps. Sometimes, however, even the best of teachers struggle to
use new tools in the classroom; these sites from Google provide a great
resource to get those creative juices flowing. Can you say “Professional
Development” in the fall?
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