[Ubuntu-PH] hardy heron fax modem driver installation

ven pantinople ben_j9 at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 28 16:36:50 UTC 2008

Dear Dante,

If it's a soft modem, then some of the modem functions are emulated in software. The software is likely windows os so that implies the internal modem will not work in ubuntu.

If you have to use a dial-up modem, use an external modem.

best regards,

--- On Fri, 7/25/08, Dante Granado <dantegreat at yahoo.com> wrote:
From: Dante Granado <dantegreat at yahoo.com>
Subject: [Ubuntu-PH] hardy heron fax modem driver installation
To: ubuntu-ph at lists.ubuntu.com, ubuntulinux at yahoogroups.com
Date: Friday, July 25, 2008, 1:55 PM

--- On Fri, 7/25/08, Dante Granado <dantegranado at yahoo.com> wrote:

From: Dante Granado <dantegranado at yahoo.com>
Subject: hardy heron fax modem driver installation
To: ubuntu-ph at lists.ubuntu.com, ubuntulinux at yahoogroups.com
Date: Friday, July 25, 2008, 8:50 PM

hi guys,
i know there are some postings about this topic previously,
just want to seek more info on how to make my conexant soft v92 internal modem to work with my ubuntu machine
i have tried downloading and installing hsf modem drivers but i still wasn't successful in connecting thru dial up
hsfconfig gives me a driver incompatibility error
wvdial cannot detect the modem when i try to configure it.
any enlightenment will be highly appreciated

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