[Ubuntu-PH] Is Xubuntu capable of running for 128MB Pentium 3 600MHz PC?

erle mantos emantos at gmail.com
Fri Jul 25 04:36:36 UTC 2008

why not install fluxbuntu directly ?

On Fri, Jul 25, 2008 at 11:39 AM, Jerome Gotangco <jgotangco at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 25, 2008 at 11:32 AM, Allan E. Registos
> <allan.registos at smpc.steniel.com.ph> wrote:
>> Here is my story:
>> In my Church, I was given the task of installing OS of these old
>> Computers. The Church was providing free Internet access to students
>> who will do online researching. Last night, I was able to install
>> CentOS 4 with KDE 3.2.x as the default desktop. But it was sluggish
>> and slow so I am trying to find an alternative. I don't know if
>> Xubuntu can help with its XFCE desktop. At
>> http://wiki.xfce.org/minimum_requirements, Xubuntu's minimum
>> requirement is at least 192MB which beyond 128MB.
>> Aside from the list, what are your distro suggestions?
> I am thinking fluxbox as the window manager. Try doing a server
> install (no wm) then install fluxbox along with the app you want to
> use. But then you will need to install a decent web browser and you
> will still need to install the libraries required. The problem with
> xfce is that it is still using gtk hence you will have a performance
> bottleneck with your hardware.
> --
> Jerome
> --
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