[Ubuntu-PH] Fw: [lsg-dvo] Mindanao Open Source Society: Invitation

Re Alvarez re_alvz at yahoo.es
Fri Oct 26 11:22:06 UTC 2007

Congratulations Rj,

Great to hear that FOSS is spreading faster than ever now. I wish you
best of luck for your nobel initiatives. It would be great if you could
share with us the initiatives your organization is going to take with
the list, so any individual interested can volunteer in the projects.


-----Original Message-----
From: RJ Ian S. Sevilla <rjian_sevilla at yahoo.com>
Reply-To: Mailing List para sa Ubuntu Pilipinas (Philippines)
<ubuntu-ph at lists.ubuntu.com>
To: plug-misc at lists.linux.org.ph, ubuntu-ph at lists.ubuntu.com
Subject: [Ubuntu-PH] Fw: [lsg-dvo] Mindanao Open Source Society:
Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2007 03:11:30 -0700 (PDT)


Rj Ian S. Sevilla 
Mobile Number: +639182928081
YM: rjian_sevilla
Email: rjian_sevilla[at]yahoo[dot]com, rjian[at]moss[dot]orgz[dot]ph
OpenGPG Key: 4EEA3424

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: rjian_sevilla <rjian_sevilla at yahoo.com>
To: lsg-dvo at yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, October 26, 2007 3:00:53 AM
Subject: [lsg-dvo] Mindanao Open Source Society: Invitation

We are inviting everyone to join and support the Mindanao Open Source
Society a non profit organization promoting open source software in
Mindanao.The team is currently compose of volunteer's around Mindanao
promoting FOSS. We are also inviting everyone to join our IRC channel
on irc.ubuntu.com / irc.freenode. net and join ##MOSS channel. Feel
free to write FOSS news or articles and even download resources on the
site visit http://www.moss. orgz.ph .

Sincerely yours,

RJ Ian S. Sevilla
Mindanao Open Source Society
http://www.moss. orgz.ph
rjian at moss.orgz. ph

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