[Ubuntu-PH] Workstation

Alvin B. Gutierrez alvinbg at gmail.com
Fri Oct 13 17:35:12 UTC 2006

Hello again, it's really great to have a support group for Ubuntu, and 
many people had been very kind to help me with certain problems. Thanks 
to JM, Ian, Rom and Zak re C compiler responses, I'm okay with this now.

I have another question. In our computer lab, we have this setup where 
one CPU is shared by 5 monitors & keyboards, so that 5 users will be 
able to work on 1 CPU. The brand that we use is Workstation, and it was 
designed to work with Windows. Does anyone have any experience in making 
Workstation (or a similar hardware/software setup) work in Ubuntu?

Thanks again!!!

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