[Ubuntu-PH] Arguments agains persecution by Microsoft-centric office

Zak B. Elep zakame at ubuntu.com
Fri Nov 24 03:25:24 UTC 2006

On 11/24/06, Barbon Wilson John <wjbarbon at yahoo.com> wrote:
> We are a development organization, helping poor island communities and we
> have spend more than 300,000 pesos just for software licenses when that
> money can go a long way for facilitating development activities in poor
> communities.

Your development organization should know better than to just blame
their hardware ills on the use of a particular software.  Obviously
your organization fears change (your use of Ubuntu after all makes an
important statement) and like many other kinds of organizations, they
will try to enforce the status quo and ostracize you.

FWIW, you can probably challenge them and show that their Windows
machines are just as vulnerable to hardware damage as a Ubuntu box.  A
sledgehammer (or a chainsaw) will be extremely useful as a
demonstration tool.  I just hope they won't deduct from your salary
should you decide to do this demo :P



Zak B. Elep  ||  http://zakame.spunge.org
zakame at ubuntu.com  ||  zakame at spunge.org  ||  zak at orangeandbronze.com
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