[Ubuntu-PH] Ubuntu Edgy Release Party TONIGHT

Zak B. Elep zakame at ubuntu.com
Wed Nov 15 06:31:30 UTC 2006

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Zak B. Elep <zak at orangeandbronze.com>
Date: Nov 15, 2006 2:29 PM
Subject: [OT] Ubuntu Edgy Release Party TONIGHT
To: "Philippine Linux Users' Group (PLUG) Catch-All Discussion List"
<plug-misc at lists.linux.org.ph>

Sorry for the late announcement, but Ubuntu-PH will be meeting out for
a Release Party for Edgy Eft (Ubuntu 6.10) tonight, 7pm PHT, at the
Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf, Greenbelt 3, Ayala Center.

BYOB though, as Ubuntu-PH ain't so much a formal org as it is a raging
bunch of Ubuntu enthusiasts trying to make the world a better place :P
As compensation, we do have pressed Edgy CDs out for grabs, and some
stickers too.

Hope to see you there!



Zak B. Elep  ||  http://zakame.spunge.org
zakame at ubuntu.com  ||  zakame at spunge.org  ||  zak at orangeandbronze.com
1486 7957 454D E529 E4F1  F75E 5787 B1FD FA53 851D

Zak B. Elep  ||  http://zakame.spunge.org
zakame at ubuntu.com  ||  zakame at spunge.org  ||  zak at orangeandbronze.com
1486 7957 454D E529 E4F1  F75E 5787 B1FD FA53 851D

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