[Ubuntu-PH] Stepping down as LoCo team leader

Zak B. Elep zakame at ubuntu.com
Wed Jul 26 10:34:35 UTC 2006

Hi Ealden!

On 7/26/06, Ealden Esto E. Escañan <ealden at gmail.com> wrote:
> I am stepping down as local community team leader for Ubuntu-PH.  I
> have informed the Ubuntu members from the Philippines[1] of this
> before hand.  In my place will be Zak Elep, Ubuntu member and MOTU
> extraordinaire.  I'm confident that he will be able to take this
> community to far greater heights.

Well, I hope. :D

While I'm quite saddened with you stepping down, I understand where
you are coming from, and I think everyone in the Ubuntu-PH community
will respect that; after all, this is a community, and a community may
thrive long after passing many trials and such.  I'm sure all of us
will be waiting for you to come back, when the time comes ;)

> It has been a great 7 months.  It was nice meeting some of you guys,
> both online and in real life.  I hope we can meet again in the future,
> or at least bump to each other along the way.

We'll be missing you very much.  7 months of Ubuntu-PH leadership is
still 7 months, so that's no small feat :)  We owe you a planet, too.

> Thanks, and best wishes to the Ubuntu community!

Good luck!



Zak B. Elep  ||  http://zakame.spunge.org
zakame at ubuntu.com  ||  zakame at spunge.org
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