[Ubuntu-PH] installation

Zak B. Elep zakame at ubuntu.com
Fri Aug 25 09:11:28 UTC 2006

Hi Carmen! =)

On 8/25/06, carmen tonelete <catana_00 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> I am new to any linux os and I just started using ubuntu, my question is can
> ubuntu detect harware thesame way as win XP, and if not can you help find a
> step by step instruction for harware installation. thank you!

Welcome to Linux (and Ubuntu, for that matter!)

Answering your question, many Linux distributions including Ubuntu can
do a fairly good hardware autodetection, installation, and
configuration, without much human intervention.  Many modern systems
can work with Linux out-of-the-box and one doesn't really have to
reconfigure it just to get working.

There are some caveats, however: some hardware, especially internal
software modems (winmodems) and some video cards may not be detected
correctly.  Winmodems, in particular, have all sorts of (proprietary)
quirks that make some of those practically next to impossible to use
under Linux (the usual admonition among geeks is, `buy a hardware
modem.')  For what its worth, I use a winmodem (Conexant HSFi) for the
past 3 year of using Linux (via the free-beer Linuxant drivers,)
without so much a hitch, so this issue is pretty much `your mileage
may vary.'

Video cards can also have some issues, although I would say the major
graphics cards vendors (ATI and nVidia) do provide some support (then
again, that claim is by itself disputable; a good few people I hear
keep on telling me that nVidia offers better Linux drivers...)

For more information, you could check out the Ubuntu wiki[0] which
provides some community-contributed documentation for getting various
hardware to work on Ubuntu.  You might also try the Ubuntu Forums[1]
as well.

[0]  https://wiki.ubuntu.com
[1]  http://ubuntuforums.org



Zak B. Elep  ||  http://zakame.spunge.org
zakame at ubuntu.com  ||  zakame at spunge.org
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