[Ubuntu-PH] Defining the Ubuntu Philippine Local Community Team

Zak Elep zakame at gmail.com
Sat Oct 22 08:46:05 UTC 2005

Wow, kanina lamang ay nagmungkahi lamang ako habang nasa Naga, at
ngayon naman na nakabalik na ako sa Daet, may reply na.  Talagang the
Power of Convergence ;)

On 10/21/05, Ealden Esto E. Escañan <ealden at gmail.com> wrote:
> The problem I see here is that this is more mission/objective (VMO)
> than a vision.  Visions should be everlasting, or close to that,
> because change-in-visions can be disruptive to entities such as what
> we are forming.

Yes, it is more of a VMO, and it is more of a short-term goal rather
than something extravagant and eternal.  It is just something *aufbau*
(to build up from,) really :)

However, it is quite instructive, since it brings people to focus on
goals that they can visualise, and by extension, can happen, if they
work on it long enough to make it happen.  Fred Brooks said it best:
"Plan to throw one away."

Zak B. Elep --- http://zakame.spunge.org
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