[Ubuntu-PH] Defining the Ubuntu Philippine Local Community Team

Zak Elep zakame at gmail.com
Sat Oct 22 03:44:00 UTC 2005

On 10/20/05, Ealden Esto E. Escañan <ealden at gmail.com> wrote:
> For the meetings, people felt that a monthly online meeting is the way
> to go.  We can hold meetings on #ubuntu-ph, or even reserve time to
> have meetings on #ubuntu-meeting, although the feasibility of this was
> not explored.
> Supplementing these monthly online meetings are EBs (eye balls).
> Quarterly EBs got the vote of the majority, and a suggestion was
> raised to hold these EBs after the regular PLUG seminars.

We could also meet weekly to quickly resolve the small issues, and
then have "hack festivals" over IRC and EB every three months or so,
may even bi-annually, to stamp out bigger obstacles.  Of course, this
assumes we have something to work on, and I think we won't have any
shortage of that ;)

> For the TeamGoals, three items stood out.  They are:
> 1. Spread Ubuntu in the Philippines
> 2. Translation work, and
> 3. Local case studies with the use of Ubuntu Linux


> A possible long term goal of this team formation is the formulation of
> a Vision/Mission statement for the Ubuntu Philippine LoCo Team.

I suggest a very realistic and flexible set of Vision/Mission goals, like this:

    Vision: To see Ubuntu Linux running as the primary Operating System on
    almost all Philippine desktop and laptop PCs in current and future
use by 2007,
    or 2010 at the latest.

    Mission: Translate Ubuntu's applications and interfaces, write
accessible and
    localized documentation, package applications catering to
desktop/laptop use,
    advocate and advertise Ubuntu, and provide technical support and

Our goals ought to be realistic enough to be realized within some time
frame.  It also ought to be flexible enough so that we can change
goals at any time once some condition is met, so as to not get
ourselves thrashing in the tar pit of obsolesence.

Of course, the above is just an example of laying boardwalks across
the tar, but I believe we could do a lot with that one, with just a
little more tweaking...

> A suggestion of having goals for the wiki was raised.  While the wiki
> is an open collaboration environment, it is quite loose from a user's
> perspective.  Turning the wiki into a localized user documentation was
> also suggested, but problems like where to put local event news, as
> well as how to cater to other languages here in the Philippines, were
> raised.  This item needs further discussion.

Goals are needed exactly because this will determine what should go
into the local (ubuntu-ph) wiki and what should not.  If we envision
the local wiki to be the central resource for localized documentation,
then we ought to exclude organizational "workbook" content and instead
place that in the global wiki, perhaps as subpages to the
PhilippineTeam wiki page.  However, this is just one surmise; perhaps
a more elegant approach should be investigated.

The idea here is that, given any user audience, we can guide them to
go to the right place to find the info they want.  Wikis (and web
sites, for that matter) are confusing enough as it is, so we ought to
make extra effort to improve usability wherever and whenever possible

Zak B. Elep --- http://zakame.spunge.org
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