[Ubuntu-PH] Re: Pagsalin sa Filipino WAS: newbie pow

Jan Alonzo jmalonzo at gmail.com
Tue Oct 11 10:29:50 UTC 2005

"Roberto L. Sanglay" <roberto.sanglay at gmail.com> writes:


> Good day guys,

Good Day!

> After all has been said and done about translating Ubuntu to Filipino, at the
> end of the day, it would all depend on the user or the one who will install it
> what language of choice he will use/install it.
> Although much has been said about us adopting Tagalog for official
> communications (ex. in government offices) it would still take much effort to
> use it for the whole country (ex. in school, and private offices, etc.)

But you've gotta start somewhere right?  AFAIC, tagalog is more widely used
and, I guess, most people in our country understand it. How many in Luzon can
actually understand Cebuano? Compare that to Cebuanos who can understand

> I dont want to be a devils advocate about a very noble effort in translating
> Ubuntu in tagalog, but if you are talking about what is for the common good, I
> would tend to stick with the english version.

FWIW, AFAIK, the 'tl' translation project not only covers Ubuntu, but also
Debian, GNOME, and other FOSS apps today and in the near future. There are not
much contributors and contributors atm, but I'm pretty sure it's doors are
always open to those who want to help.

And also, you can use whatever language you want but please don't tell us[1] what is for
the common good.


[1] us meaning the subscribers to this list, especially me.

Jan Alonzo                          <jmalonzo at unpluggable.com>
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