[Ubuntu-PH] newbie pow

Charles Yao ccyao at greenleecp.com
Fri Oct 7 07:48:09 UTC 2005


You can request the cds from Shipit on the Ubuntu Website. However, they
are notorious for shipping very late of at all. (better just download it
and burn it yourself) I think you can download banner designs on the
ubuntu website but I you will probably have to print it yourself. 

I just downloaded some images for stickers from the net and having them
printed for our office too, so I guess you can find what you are looking
for there.


On Fri, 2005-10-07 at 14:48 +0800, Chris-jo Salvatierra wrote:
> hi!  sorry to disappoint you guys but i'm a miss :D  although most of
> the time, i am referred to as sir...i wonder why ;)
> i can actually write it for you guys...there's a growing number of
> linux users because of the internet cafes...and yes, i have convinced
> a certain department at a certain college of ust to use ubuntu.  will
> do that during the sem break...
> most of the students (my market) who got to use ubuntu for the first
> time says it needs a little bit of getting used to.  they are used to
> mozilla firefox - since it is the preferred browser before my ubuntu
> migration.  the transition is better than i have expected - although
> sem break is just a week after next for ust and some schools.
> i am still discovering things and "googleing" everything - that's why
> i found this list.  i wonder if ubuntu could give me cd's (breezy
> badger) and streamers so i could really promote it. :D
> when i ask them how it is - the would say that it would take time but
> it's like - w@#d$%s.  they also said that linux is not so hard
> afterall.  
> On 10/7/05, Radamanthus Batnag <radamanthus at gmail.com> wrote:
>         Someone should document the experiences of Mr. Salvatierra and
>         others.
>         We can share this with the rest of the Ubuntu community and
>         the larget
>         general Linux community. Make it a "big win" case study: How
>         Thousands 
>         of Workstations Nationwide are Migrationg from MS Windows/MS
>         Office to
>         Ubuntu/OpenOffice.
>         Anybody here from inq7.net?
>         I can volunteer to write this if no one else will.
>         rad
> -- 
> The 3 BE's: Be hopeful.  BE humble.  BE happy.

Charles C. Yao
Vice-President -Sales
2144 Pedro Gil St.
Sta. Ana, Manila
Philippines 1009
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email: ccyao at greenleecp.com
web: www.greenleecp.com

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