[Ubuntu-PH] newbie pow

Jerome Gotangco jgotangco at gmail.com
Fri Oct 7 07:08:20 UTC 2005

On 10/7/05, Chris-jo Salvatierra <chrisjo.mla2 at gmail.com> wrote:
> hi!  sorry to disappoint you guys but i'm a miss :D  although most of the
> time, i am referred to as sir...i wonder why ;)

Ahhh the ubuntite female population is increasing worldwide..that is good news.

>  i can actually write it for you guys...there's a growing number of linux
> users because of the internet cafes...and yes, i have convinced a certain
> department at a certain college of ust to use ubuntu.  will do that during
> the sem break...

WOW....that is better news even.

>  most of the students (my market) who got to use ubuntu for the first time
> says it needs a little bit of getting used to.  they are used to mozilla
> firefox - since it is the preferred browser before my ubuntu migration.  the
> transition is better than i have expected - although sem break is just a
> week after next for ust and some schools.

It's a good migration strategy. Make people get used to the office/web
apps available in both platforms then introduce the DE. A good
strategy too is just let the people play games on it, especially the
gnome ones or install a few like wesnoth or pydance.

>  i am still discovering things and "googleing" everything - that's why i
> found this list.  i wonder if ubuntu could give me cd's (breezy badger) and
> streamers so i could really promote it. :D

It would be great to get feedback on new users about their experiences
with Breezy. We just hit RC status last night and we're just a few
days away from release. Some showstopper bugs will be fixed for sure,
but most of the functionality is already available in the RC.

>  when i ask them how it is - the would say that it would take time but it's
> like - w@#d$%s.  they also said that linux is not so hard afterall.

It's not really. Installing Ubuntu is actually easier than installing
Windows XP. Actually anyone who can install an operating system like
XP can install a Linux or a BSD OS as well.

Jerome Gotangco
jgotangco at ubuntu.com | jgotangco at gmail.com
GPG: 0xA97B69A0

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