[Ubuntu-PH] Rosetta project

Jerome Gotangco jgotangco at gmail.com
Tue Apr 19 05:03:12 UTC 2005

Hi guys.

You might want to try out the Rosetta project if you're into i10n of


However, i18n of Ubuntu specific documents are still being developed
although there are some documents from trunk already available but
since Hoary stuff is already frozen, it will take a while for the new
documents to be availble. At the moment we're drawn some plans on
making the documentation better by having a new interface or use
mozembed...it's still up in the air.

Also if you're interested in doing i18n work for Ubuntu or do actual
[en] documentation work, its open to anyone. You can learn some actual
XML docs from svn trunk. If this sounds a bit foreign to you don't
fret, everyone of us in the existing docteam is learning as well. Just
reply to the list if it interests you and i'll happily reply.

Oh btw, the UDU conference is just a few days away. Maybe you can give
some nice ideas on community or development stuff here. I'll bring
them along for inclusion in some BOFs if I will be part of it.



Jerome S. Gotangco
GPG: A97B69A0 @ pgp.mit.edu
IRC: jsgotangco @ freenode #ubuntu, #ubuntu-doc, #ubuntu-devel, #ubuntu-ph

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