[Ubuntu-pa] Fwd: ubuntu David

Gaddiel Espinosa gaddiel.espinosa en gmail.com
Mar Feb 2 18:49:59 GMT 2010

I live in Boqueron sebastien but I travel occasionally to David, if you want
to meet us somewhere.

2010/2/2 Eivar Montenegro Mosquera <e.mont01 en gmail.com>

> Hi Sebastien,
> I am forwarding this mail to a friend, who is living in Chiriquí I think he
> can help you. Actually the majority of ubuntu-pa members are living in the
> capital city which is far away Chiriquí (7 hours road trip).
> Just in case I am copying the rest of the local community ubuntu-pa, one of
> them may have the opportunity to help.
> Greetings
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Sebastien Demortier <sebanddem en yahoo.fr>
> Date: Mon, Feb 1, 2010 at 12:06
> Subject: ubuntu David
> To: e.mont01 en gmail.com
>  Hi,
> I found your information on ubuntu wiki page
> I have problem with an old laptop with edubuntu I gave to my friends' kids.
> It is diplaying a green yellowish blackish screen, but is sounds normal at
> the boot.
> for what I remember, there is a probleme with nvidia drivers.
> I am now in France and cannot help them, and I am not very good in fixing
> computer.
> I wanted to know if in David or Boquete, Chiriqui, there was someone able
> to help them, like an ubuntu community.
> If you know this, will you tell me how to contact them ?
> Thank you very much for your attention.
> Sebastien
> --
> Eivar A. Montenegro. M.
> ¡El mundo es mejor cuando eres libre de elegir!
> --
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> Ubuntu Linux Panamá
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> Difundiendo el Software Libre en Panamá



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