[Ubuntu-pa] Fwd: ubuntu David

Eivar Montenegro Mosquera e.mont01 en gmail.com
Mar Feb 2 16:56:31 GMT 2010

Hi Sebastien,
I am forwarding this mail to a friend, who is living in Chiriquí I think he
can help you. Actually the majority of ubuntu-pa members are living in the
capital city which is far away Chiriquí (7 hours road trip).

Just in case I am copying the rest of the local community ubuntu-pa, one of
them may have the opportunity to help.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sebastien Demortier <sebanddem en yahoo.fr>
Date: Mon, Feb 1, 2010 at 12:06
Subject: ubuntu David
To: e.mont01 en gmail.com

I found your information on ubuntu wiki page
I have problem with an old laptop with edubuntu I gave to my friends' kids.
It is diplaying a green yellowish blackish screen, but is sounds normal at
the boot.
for what I remember, there is a probleme with nvidia drivers.
I am now in France and cannot help them, and I am not very good in fixing
I wanted to know if in David or Boquete, Chiriqui, there was someone able to
help them, like an ubuntu community.
If you know this, will you tell me how to contact them ?
Thank you very much for your attention.


Eivar A. Montenegro. M.
¡El mundo es mejor cuando eres libre de elegir!
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