[Ubuntu-pa] CNET News.com: Gartner: 85 percent of enterprises using open source - CNET News
ferrucho27 en hotmail.com
ferrucho27 en hotmail.com
Mie Ene 21 22:22:24 GMT 2009
This email was sent from ferrucho27 at hotmail.com
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Remito esta noticia porque me parece muy importante que todos esten enterados de como evoluciona el software abierto en el mundo empresarial. Saludos
Gartner: 85 percent of enterprises using open source - CNET News
URL: http://news.cnet.com/8301-13505_3-10098310-16.html
Gartner is worried about the 69 percent of enterprises who are adopting open source without its formal involvement.
CNET: The source for computers and technology http://www.cnet.com
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