[Ubuntu-pa] Mailserver y demás

Eivar Montenegro Mosquera e.mont01 en gmail.com
Lun Ene 19 23:55:05 GMT 2009

Manuel jajajaja me he divertido mucho leyendo esto, gracias por compartirlo.
Bueno por mi parte me parece mucho más convincente la explicación de la
gente del canal #debian.

2009/1/19 Manuel Argüelles <manuel.arguelles en gmail.com>

> Sí, lo he visto, pero no sé, eso es la respuesta del bot del canal... por
> lo
> cual, o el bot del canal o la página están desactualizadas...
> Yo de todas formas lo lo voy a usar ;) (no porque no este soportado, sino
> porque no me gusta)
> de todas formas les invito que pasen por:
> irc.freenode.org #ubuntu y preguntar sobre webmin y porque al escribir
> !webmin
> el bot del canal contesta lo que contesta...
> ... que diablos lo voy a hacer yo!! allí les va:
> <P4C0> hello, does webmin works on in ubuntu?
> <Jack_Sparrow> !webmin
> <ubottu> webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not
> compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files,
> and
> is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.
> <P4C0> Jack_Sparrow, yes but the webmin site says it's supported
> <Jack_Sparrow> P4C0, How old is the page you are reading
> <ardchoille> P4C0: webmin is not supported
> <P4C0> Jack_Sparrow, January 11, 2009
> <P4C0> I'm just asking because their webpage shows it as supported, and
> even
> there's deb packages there...
> <DIFH-iceroot> P4C0: sudo apt-get install apache mysql-server php5
> <Jack_Sparrow> P4C0, They may have re-written it to work, but the last
> testing
> we did.. It didnt
> <ardchoille> P4C0: webmin is not supported in ubuntu
> <P4C0> Jack_Sparrow, when was the last test?
> <P4C0> Jack_Sparrow, when was the last test?
> ... y luego... me aburrí de esperar y me desconecté... supongo que el
> "pirata"
> este no fue el que hizo los tests :p
> Ahora la respuesta de DIFH-iceroot sí que fue de mucha ayuda...
> Pero espera, espera, que viene lo mejor!!! vamos a #debian:
> <P4C0> hello guys, one question, is webmin supported in debian?
> <dutchfish> !webmin
> <dpkg> methinks webmin is a lame web-based interface for unsafe system
> administration for Unix.  Check it out at http://webmin.com/  Remember,
> dondelelcaro *hates* webmin.  "i'd rather sit on the floor shoving table
> knives into live electrical outlets than run webmin on an exposed server."
> See http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2005/12/msg00790.html about the
> removal.  Don't use their .debs, they are of extremely poor quality.
> <P4C0> dutchfish, thanks ;) that confirmed my thoughts... I'm asking
> because
> #ubuntu people says it's not supported with ubuntu nor debian since (debian
> and ubuntu) configuration scripts and files had changed... is that true?
> <dutchfish> P4C0, i dont know but hold on
> <dutchfish> P4C0, well, there are a lot of changes, specially with the soon
> to
> be relased new debian aka lenny
> <stew> P4C0: what kind of changes are you asking about?
> <dutchfish> stew, P4C0 i think last time i saw webmin was in Sarge (at the
> top
> of my head)
> <P4C0> stew, no, nothing, i was just a bit surprissed by all of this,
> that's
> all, pure and plain curiosity
> <stew> yes, webmin was removed in 2005
> <stew> becuase it was riddled with security problems and after a year of
> asking, nobody was willing to maintian it
> <stew> well except the webmin maintainers, who offered to maintian it, but
> were far too clueless about debian to be able to make acceptable debian
> packages of it
> <dutchfish> P4C0, you would be of far better by doing it the debian way,
> anyway
> <P4C0> well I got here just to ask about it, since I didn't believe the
> #ubuntu explanation, I mean your bot reply makes more much sense, I was not
> planning on using it anyways, but ubuntu's reply got me wondering... Thanks
> for clearing things up!
> <dutchfish> P4C0, yw
> ... Esto de las distribuciones es más divertido que oir las declaraciones
> de
> Franz Wever :p
> Saludos

Hasta luego.

¡Linux a tu manera!
¡El mundo es mejor cuando eres libre de elegir!
Eivar A. Montenegro. M.
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