[Ubuntu-pa] Próxima reunión del Team
Charles Warner
cwarner7_11 en hotmail.com
Mar Sep 23 15:41:52 BST 2008
The recent Software Freedom Day was quite impressive, and very professionally conducted. However, I did note, during discussions with attendees, that a tremendous variety of interests were represented, and it is not clear that the information presented, although valuable, met the expectations or needs of the audience. For instance, I spoke with one young man, studying PHP development and also doing music mixing who had some very valuable information that would have been of significant interest to others in similar situations (one was a comment that "mindset" was critical when switching between development platforms; the other was his observation that a Linux box provided significantly more chanels for a recording session on the same hardware than, say, Adobe Studio). There was another young man looking for Open Source biological analysis software (way out of my personal field, although I have noted quite a few such projects on both Ubuntu Packages lists, and Sourceforge.net).
In light of these observations, I would like to suggest a modification to the organization of some events. First of all, one should provide a questionaire of some sort, asking attendees just what exactly they are trying to accomplish with their computers. Following shorter introductory presentations, then the session could be divided into smaller, more personal groups, which would be led by moderators of appropriate expertise, either formatted as discussion groups or workshops, where attendees could share experiences, or the moderator could present a "workshop" with detailed instruction in specific areas (i.e., how to find, download and install specific applications of specialized interest). Furthermore, it may be possible to offer "workshop" prsentations to various University or Highschool classes through coordination with the appropriate school authorities (not only computer classes, but science classes, math classes, economics classes, architectural classes, the list continues forever, limited only by the range of expertise within the community). This would help spread the mantra of Open Source beyond the current reach.
Charlie Warner
> Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2008 15:09:02 -0500
> From: e.mont01 en gmail.com
> To: ubuntu-pa en lists.ubuntu.com
> Subject: [Ubuntu-pa] Próxima reunión del Team
> Con motivo de discutir el próximo evento y otros temas, les invito a una reunión el día viernes a las 6:00 P.M.
> No tengo definido un lugar todavía pero estaba pensando en la UIP, bueno se aceptan propuestas en este punto.
> Por favor es importante asistir para planear lo que sigue y revisar lo sucedido en el Software Freedom Day.
> Bueno me despido no sin antes agradecer a todos los que ayudaron y participaron en la celebración del SFD, sin ustedes no habría sido posible ¡Muchas gracias!.
> Hasta la proxima.
> --
> ¡Linux a tu manera!
> ¡El mundo es mejor cuando eres libre de elegir!
> Eivar A. Montenegro. M.
> Consultor de Tecnología.
> Telefax: +507 269-7727
> Edificio Magna Corp. Ave.Manuel María Icaza.
> Piso E3. Oficina No.301
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