[Ubuntu-pa] Fwd: programador

Antonio Touriño atourino en gmail.com
Mar Oct 28 20:56:03 GMT 2008

Buenos días,

Este trabajo es para webcams.com. Si están interesados, manden un
email a frost en wsmanagement.com and cc: hiring en wsmanagement.com. Deben
mandar su CV en inglés y mandar muestras de su trabajo online.

Deben mandarlo como referencia de Jorge Yau.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jorge Yau <jyau en jyau.com>
Date: Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 3:27 PM
Subject: programador
To: Antonio Touriño <atourino en gmail.com>


* Developing, updating, and maintaining primarily web-based software
applications for websites with high traffic volume (legacy and new
* Recommending and implementing improvements to current systems and applications

Requirements and expectations:

* Extensive UNIX-based operating system experience
* Fluent in PHP, Perl, Java, HTML, XML, CSS, MySQL, PostgreSQL, JS/Ajax
* Database engineering experience preferred.  Working knowledge of SQL
databases required.
* Knowledge of Python, Ruby preferred
* C++ Knowledge preferred
* Experience with MVC frameworks and web programming standards
* Excellent knowledge of common software design/engineering techniques
and best practices for long term performance, usability, security, and
* Experience developing user interfaces (not graphical interfaces)
* Excellent written English skills, including familiarity and
experience with technical writing (e.g. maintaining application
* Creative thinking, logic, and problem solving ability

Preferred experience for a future senior role (growth within the company):

* 5+ years of software development experience
* Experience with enterprise level, high traffic websites a plus

Antonio Touriño
Brilliance Tech - Consultoría sobre Estrategia Web
Cel: +507.66716999

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