[Ubuntu-pa] seria bueno

Charles Warner cwarner7_11 en hotmail.com
Jue Oct 16 23:58:19 BST 2008

Excuse me for writing in English, but my Spanish is somewhat limited.  The idea of an internet cafe built on Ubuntu is a great idea.  Perhaps it could be accomplished in conjunction with an existing internet cafe that uses Windows, but with volunteer "experts" that could help new users become familiar with Software Libre.  I personally would really enjoy spending an occasional evening with a group of like-minded individuals, working at solving issues, teaching others how to do things I have learned, while learning from others...
One of the major issues for me is locating appropriate software that is compatible with Linux for work that I do that goes beyond the more popular pursuits of word processing, web browsing, gaming and presentations- specifically, specialized scientific applications.  There is a whole world of applications out there, beyond the Ubuntu and Sourceforge universes where specialized applications can be found, as well as instructional materials, etc.  
Building something within an existing internet that uses mostly Windows, but willing to dedicate a few machines to Software Libre would provide greater exposure to a community of computer users who may not have an opportunity to explore Software Libre for whatever reason.  It would provide an environment that would help ease the transition for new users, further increasing the popularity of this solution.

Charles Warner

Date: Thu, 16 Oct 2008 15:46:15 -0600
From: erick.jx en gmail.com
To: ubuntu-pa en lists.ubuntu.com
Subject: Re: [Ubuntu-pa] seria bueno

yo en lo personal estoy pensando hacer un internet con ubuntu pero no solo verlo como un negocio si no tambien para promover el software libre regalar cds de ubuntu y otros software libres tambien quisiera darle la opcion a la gente de que puedan comprar tanto desktop como laptops con ubuntu preinstalado  seria bueno para que asi tengan una nueva opcion muy buena ya que ubuntu busca siempre simpatizar con los usuarios basicos en informatica 

hay muchas ventajas aunque no lo crean miren en un internet con windows tienes un 99% de riesgo creeme que tu USB memory saldra con un virus ademas de seguridad velocidad ya que el windows siempre en los cyber los llenan  tanto de porkerias ke se ponen lentas ademas de que puedes tener muchos programas libres que en cuanto a windows tendrias que gastar cientos de dolares en licensia tal vez lo del office sea diske algo que a muchos le inquiete pero creo que no es diske la gran  cosa el open office es bueno y tambien hay otras opciones de office en linux que se pueden probar haber ademas de que puede haber otras ventajas que yo e pasdo por alto 


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