problem with openstack-install

Jeff McLamb mclamb at
Tue Jul 28 22:16:31 UTC 2015

Hi everyone, I just joined the list and in perusing the archives I
found a thread from June about issues bootstrapping Juju because of
failed tools downloading.

I finally managed to get beyond this issue and wanted to offer my solution:

In addition to adding the appropriate http-proxy and https-proxy lines
to the environments.yaml file, found that I had to make sure the
MAAS/Juju server had the same timezone configuration as the bootstrap
node. Turns out one was set to EDT and one was UTC. When I issued a
'sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata' on the MAAS/Juju server where I run
openstack-installer, it successfully downloaded the tools and
completed the installation, giving me a Landscape web UI running in an
LXC container within the bootstrap VM.

To give a bit of background about my setup, I have 4 servers in MAAS
that are typical big-RAM big-core machines, power-controlled via PXE.
So that I would not have to waste one of them for a
bootstrap/Landscape node, I created a KVM VM on the MAAS server that
PXE booted into MAAS, and commissioned it. When I ran:

openstack-installer --upstream-ppa --http-proxy <maas-proxy:8000>
--https-proxy <maas-proxy:8000>

It chose the VM as the bootstrap node as I was hoping (although I did
not direct it to do this, just my luck?), and installed Landscape and
all of its charm dependencies in 5 different LXC containers on the VM.

I am running MAAS on a fully update 15.04 server, using the
experimental ppa for cloud-installer and the latest juju from the
proposed ppa.

Now that I can login to Landscape and I have 4 available servers
listed on the OpenStack (Beta) tab, I can choose my deployment options
(KVM, Ceph, etc.) and then I select all 4 servers, even though only 3
are required. This is a new reduced minimum from the previous 5 in
this latest version of LDS.

When I click on install, the first step it tries to do is to bootstrap
Juju! It chooses one of my physical servers in MAAS and tries to
bootstrap. However, it never even gets to powering on the server, as
it eventually stalls out with the following error:

juju ended with exit code 1 (out='', err='Bootstrapping environment "4"
Bootstrap failed, destroying environment
ERROR failed to bootstrap environment: Juju cannot bootstrap because
no tools are available for your environment.
You may want to use the 'agent-metadata-url' configuration setting to
specify the tools location.’)

Why would Landscape be trying to re-bootstrap a new Juju environment?
Shouldn’t it just use the one I already used to deploy Landscape

I logged into the landscape/0 unit from the MAAS server with the
following command:

$ juju ssh landscape/0 sudo
‘JUJU_HOME=/var/lib/landscape/juju-homes/`sudo ls -rt
/var/lib/landscape/juju-homes/ | tail -1` sudo -u landscape -E bash’

>From here it takes me to the “4” environment (representing my latest
attempt, there are other directories for my previous attempts with

The environment does have an environment.yaml file that points to my
MAAS server, but it does not have any http-proxy or https-proxy stuff,
and is not near as complete as the one on my MAAS server.

This is where I am currently stuck. There is also the Juju tab in the
Landscape UI where I manually added the Juju environment details for
the one on the MAAS server. It is listed as a valid Juju environment
with a valid endpoint, but it seems not to care to use this one when I
try to deploy OpenStack.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!



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