[Bug 1481216] Re: [SRU] unreadable text color in confirmation dialog with ubuntu theme

Corey Bryant corey.bryant at canonical.com
Tue Nov 28 19:17:13 UTC 2017

This bug was fixed in the package horizon - 1:2015.1.4-0ubuntu3

 horizon (1:2015.1.4-0ubuntu3) trusty-kilo; urgency=medium
   * debian/theme/ubuntu/_styles.scss: Ensure btn-primary text color takes
     precedence (LP: #1481216).
 horizon (1:2015.1.4-0ubuntu2) trusty-kilo; urgency=medium
   * d/p/remove-can-access-caching.patch (LP: #1382079): Remove session
     caching of can_access call results which was disabling the project
 horizon (1:2015.1.4-0ubuntu1) trusty-kilo; urgency=medium
   * New upstream stable release (LP: #1580334).
 horizon (1:2015.1.3-0ubuntu1) trusty-kilo; urgency=medium
   * New upstream stable release (LP: #1559215, #1352256).
 horizon (1:2015.1.2-0ubuntu1) vivid; urgency=medium
   [ Chuck Short ]
   * Resynchronize with stable/kilo (5b9bdca) (LP: #1481008):
     - [5b9bdca] Use security group id not name in the create instance dialog
     - [74d885f] Fix not opening region selector on first click
     - [b8e1ce8] Neutron Quota Settings Flag Disables Neutron GUI
     - [853f0ec] Fix inability to switch region via Switch Region dropdown
     - [0b3c92d] Updated from global requirements
     - [d6be306] Fix a unit test for create instance
     - [8ed7624] Compatibility fix for pyscss 1.3.4
     - [7c8fc8f] Skip test_routerrule_detail blocking the gate
     - [fea681e] Remove 'shared' from Neutron Firewall table
     - [1d20ea0] Fix static file paths in heat topology view
     - [8da65b6] Don't get descript if attribute doesn't exist.
     - [905e92b] Fix attribute error with old glance backend
     - [c079705] Added correct URL to edit QoS spec
     - [900ca63] Updated from global requirements
     - [3becb61] Port cleanup on failed VM instance launch
     - [b84218d] N1Kv: Fix failing network and port creates
   [ Corey Byrant ]
   * d/rules: Prevent dh_python2 from guessing dependencies.
   * d/openstack-dashboard-ubuntu-theme.postrm: Ensure that purge and
     reload of static assets is only done on purge/remove, resolving
     problems when upgrading to new versions (LP: #1506826).
 horizon (1:2015.1.1-0ubuntu1) vivid; urgency=medium
   * Resynchronize with stable/kilo (bb05237) (LP: #1481008):
     - [d29a68c] Removing Network Profile support in stable/kilo
     - [cfb16ec] Add a conditional judgement to avoid invalid dict index
     - [824df76] Fix mock issues found due to new mock release
     - [82f63a5] Fix Create User form's fields sorting for Django 1.7
     - [f0691cf] changing email from user list deletes user passwd
     - [25c961f] fix delete action always cause error
     - [ec27165] Fix date pickers in metering modal
     - [8ed6a85] Wait until the image is registered in Sahara image test
     - [fcff73c] Skip test_{floatingip,image_register_unregister,create_delete_user} for now
     - [1e84c93] Handle errors during glance image updates correctly
     - [2fc3fcd] corrected the create volume from snapshot
     - [84da479] Escape the description param from heat template
     - [bafdabb] Prevent multiple form submission on table row actions
     - [0642fdd] Fixing data processing operations for alternate webroots
     - [2e8e70b] User should be able to update allocation pool values.
     - [61d3955] Don't pass read only attributes on neutron update
     - [78e9a99] I/O error uploading image
     - [6566057] Fix TemplateDoesNotExist at manage/unmanage volumes
     - [30dde70] Sanitation of metadata passed from Django
     - [322a74c] Inherit environment variables for tests that use nodeenv
     - [baf55ce] LBaas v1 Associate Monitor to Pool Fails
     - [bb05237] Fix exponentially growing AJAX updates for table rows
 horizon (1:2015.1.0-0ubuntu1) vivid; urgency=medium
   * New upstream release for OpenStack kilo. (LP: #1449744)
 horizon (1:2015.1~rc1-0ubuntu2) vivid; urgency=medium
   * d/pydist-overrides: Amend typo xstatic-angular-irdragndrop ->
     xstatic-angular-lrdragndrop to ensure that embedded xstatic deps are
     correctly ignored when generating dependencies (LP: #1439837).
 horizon (1:2015.1~rc1-0ubuntu1) vivid; urgency=medium
   * New upstream release candidate:
     - d/openstack-dashboard.conf: Add /horizon/static alias in addition
       to /static to cover both paths to static resources.
     - d/p/fix-requirements.patch: Drop, not actually used.
     - d/p/*: Refresh.
   *  Update Ubuntu theme for OpenStack Kilo (LP: #1443973).
     - d/theme/*: Refresh inline with new approach to theming in Kilo.
     - d/openstack-dashboard-ubuntu-theme.install|links: Install
       ubuntu_theme.py directly into the openstack_dashboard source tree
       instead of symlinking, supporting easier switching of themes.
     - d/openstack-dashboard{-ubuntu-theme}.postinst|postrm: Purge 'custom'
       folder prior to collecting and compressing static assets to ensure
       that theme changes are correctly detected and implemented.
 horizon (1:2015.1~b3-0ubuntu2) vivid; urgency=medium
   * d/pydist-overrides: Ignore xstatic depends added at kilo-3 as these
     are bundled in Ubuntu (LP: #1442531).
 horizon (1:2015.1~b3-0ubuntu1) vivid; urgency=medium
   * New upstream milestone release:
     - d/control: All version requirements with upstream, drop dependency
       on lockfile.
     - Refresh xstatic assets.
     - d/p/*: Refresh.
   * d/pydist-overrides: Add overrides for oslo packages.
 horizon (1:2015.1~b2-0ubuntu5) vivid; urgency=medium
   * d/control: Restore BD on python-django-nose, fixing FTBFS.
   * d/control: Add BD on dh-python.
 horizon (1:2015.1~b2-0ubuntu4) vivid; urgency=medium
   * d/theme/templates/_stylesheets.html: Re-align with new upstream
     release (LP: #1432596).
 horizon (1:2015.1~b2-0ubuntu3) vivid; urgency=medium
   [ Corey Bryant ]
   * d/pydist-overrides: Add python-xstatic-smart-table.
 horizon (1:2015.1~b2-0ubuntu2) vivid; urgency=medium
   * d/control: Drop testing related BD's as tests are not currently
     executed during package build.
 horizon (1:2015.1~b2-0ubuntu1) vivid; urgency=medium
   [ Corey Bryant ]
   * New upstream release.
     - d/control: Align with upstream dependencies.
     - d/p/embedded-xstatic.patch: Refreshed. Code moved to new files.
     - d/p/fix-requirements.patch: Added to drop selenium dependency.
   [ James Page ]
   * d/bundle-xstatic.sh: Use --system flag when generating xstatic
 horizon (1:2015.1~b1-0ubuntu1) vivid; urgency=medium
   [ Chuck Short ]
   * Open for Kilo.
   * d/control: Update bzr branches
   * d/patches/embedded-xstatic.patch: Refreshed
   * d/patches/add-juju-environment-download.patch: Temporarily disabled.
   [ Corey Bryant ]
   * New upstream release.
     - d/control: Align requirements with upstream.
     - d/watch: Update uversionmangle for kilo beta naming.
   * d/control: Bumped Standards-Version to 3.9.6.
   [ James Page ]
   * d/bundle-xstatic.sh: Tweak grep to be case insensitive.
   * d/p/add-juju-environment-download.patch: Rebase for kilo-1.
 horizon (1:2014.2-0ubuntu1) utopic; urgency=medium
   * New upstream release.
 horizon (1:2014.2~rc2-0ubuntu2) utopic; urgency=medium
   * Resolve issues with missing static assets and failing compression
     (LP: #1379761):
     - d/openstack-dashboard*.postinst: Collect and compress static assets
       during installation.
     - d/rules: Drop explicit link to bootstrap scss resources
     - d/p/ubuntu_settings.patch: Switch back to using offline compression.
 horizon (1:2014.2~rc2-0ubuntu1) utopic; urgency=medium
   * New upstream release candidate.
     - d/p/*: Refresh.
     - Compile translations during package build:
       + d/control: Add BD's to support compilation of translations.
       + d/rules: Cleanup/compile translations as required.
   * d/watch: Only match versions starting with digits.
   * d/rules: Link in bootstrap scss assets directory to static root to
     ensure that font based icons for buttons can be rendered (LP: #1380594).
 horizon (1:2014.2~rc1-0ubuntu3) utopic; urgency=medium
   * d/pydist-overrides: Ignore django_compressor and django_openstack_auth,
     as these don't correctly match with binary packages in Ubuntu, fixing
 horizon (1:2014.2~rc1-0ubuntu2) utopic; urgency=medium
   * d/theme/*: Update Ubuntu theme for Juno, drop redundant images.
   * d/p/add-juju-environment-download.patch: Restore and re-base the Juju
     environments download link (LP: #1362053).
   * d/source/options: Sort out package clean due to changes in egg-info.
   * d/python-django-horizon.install: Ensure egg-info files are installed
     to support version checking, resolving stack track in system info panel.
   * d/pydist-overrides: Make sure xstatic packages are ignored when generating
     binary package dependencies.
 horizon (1:2014.2~rc1-0ubuntu1) utopic; urgency=medium
   [ Chris Johnston ]
   * d/theme/css/ubuntu.css: Fix Ubuntu theme for Instances "more" dropdown
     (LP: #1308651).
   [ James Page ]
   * New upstream release candidate:
     - d/p/*: Refresh.
   * d/watch: Use tarballs.openstack.org for upstream releases.
 horizon (1:2014.2~b3-0ubuntu1) utopic; urgency=medium
   [ Chris Johnston ]
   * d/p/fix-ubuntu-theme.patch: Fix Ubuntu theme dropdown and confirmation
     button (LP: #1308651).
   [ James Page ]
   * New upstream milestone release.
   * Embed xstatic assets dependencies in secondary orig-xstatic.tar.gz:
     - d/rules,bundle-xstatic.sh: Add helper to bundle required xstatic pkgs.
     - d/p/embedded-xstatic.patch: Use embedded versions.
     - d/rules: Install xstatic pkgs into python-django-horizon.
     - d/README.source: Details of all of the above and how to use it.
   * Switch to using pyscss for CSS and JS optimization:
     - d/control: Add Depends on python-django-pyscss.
     - d/openstack-dashboard.install,d/static/*: Drop pre-optimized assets
       from debian directory.
   * d/p/ubuntu_settings.patch: Restored missing Ubuntu theme settings.
   * d/control: Drop Suggests on python-lesscpy, no longer supported.
   * d/control: Bumped Standards-Version: 3.9.5, no changes.
   * d/control: Tidy versioned requirements.
   * d/control: Drop BD for test requirements as tests are not run during
   * d/openstack-dashboard.conf: Sort out permissions.
   * d/control: Drop python-django-openstack transitional package,
     no longer required.
   * d/theme/templates/_stylesheets.html: Refresh against upstream
   * d/control: Add missing dependency on python-saharaclient.
 horizon (1:2014.2~b2-0ubuntu1) utopic; urgency=medium
   * New upstream release.
   * debian/patches/ubuntu_settings.patch: Refresed
   * debian/patches/fix-dashboard-manage.patch: Refreshed
   * debian/patches/fix-dashboard-django-wsgi.patch: Refreshed
 horizon (1:2014.2~b1-0ubuntu1) utopic; urgency=medium
   * New upstream release.
   * debian/control: Open up juno release
 horizon (1:2014.1-0ubuntu1) trusty; urgency=medium
   * New upstream release (LP: #1288245).
 horizon (1:2014.1~rc2-0ubuntu1) trusty; urgency=medium
   * New upstream release candidate (LP: #1288245).
     - d/static/*: Refreshed assets for new upstream release.
 horizon (1:2014.1~rc1-0ubuntu1) trusty; urgency=medium
   * New upstream release candidate (LP: #1288245).
     - d/static/*: Refreshed assets for new upstream release.
   * d/theme/*: Refresh Ubuntu theme against Icehouse templates (LP: #1291653).
 horizon (1:2014.1~b3-0ubuntu2) trusty; urgency=medium
   * Ensure correct URL is used for logout/timeout (LP: #1243187):
     - d/p/ubuntu_settings.patch: Update LOGOUT_URL for /horizon prefix.
   * Ensure Apache configuration is backwards compatible with Apache 2.2
     (LP: #1292577):
     - d/openstack-dashboard.conf: Revert changes from 1:2014.1~b2-0ubuntu2.
 horizon (1:2014.1~b3-0ubuntu1) trusty; urgency=medium
   * New upstream milestone release.
   * d/static/*: Refreshed assets for new upstream release.
 horizon (1:2014.1~b2-0ubuntu2) trusty; urgency=medium
   * d/rules: Drop override of dh_auto_clean, not required.
   * d/rules,openstack-dashboard.install: Detect and use default python
     version when creating symlink from openstack-dashboard -> horizon.
   * d/*: Tidy surplus execute bits on numerous files.
   * d/openstack-dashboard.conf: Update for Apache 2.4 stanza's.
   * d/rules: Skip tests as they don't run and results where being ignored.
   * d/control: python-django-openstack - update description, move to section
     oldlibs for transitional packages.
   * d/*: Wrap-and-sort.
   * d/control: Drop BD on python-d2to1, merged into python-pbr.
 horizon (1:2014.1~b2-0ubuntu1) trusty; urgency=medium
   [ Chuck Short ]
   * New upstream release.
   * debian/patches/fix-ubuntu-tests.patch: Dropped.
   * deban/patches/ubuntu-settings.patch: Refreshed
   [ James Page ]
   * debian/static: Refresh assets.
 horizon (1:2014.1~b1-0ubuntu1) trusty; urgency=low
   * New upstream release.
   * debian/control: open icehouse release.
   * debian/static/openstack-dashboard: Refreshed static assets.
 horizon (1:2013.2-0ubuntu1) saucy; urgency=low
   * New upstream release (LP: #1236462).
 horizon (1:2013.2~rc3-0ubuntu1) saucy; urgency=low
   * New upstream release candidate (LP: #1240665).
 horizon (1:2013.2~rc2-0ubuntu1) saucy; urgency=low
   * New upstream release candidate. (#1239156)
   * debian/README.compression: Updated documenation on how to
     refresh the static assets.
 horizon (1:2013.2~rc1-0ubuntu2) saucy; urgency=low
   * d/theme/css/ubuntu.css: Refresh Ubuntu theme against new Havana
     stylesheets, fixing network and chart layouts (LP: #1235249).
   * d/openstack-dashboard.postinst: Allow horizon user to read and
     write data in /var/lib/openstack-dashboard inline with user and
     group permissions set in Apache configuration.
 horizon (1:2013.2~rc1-0ubuntu1) saucy; urgency=low
   [ James Page ]
   * New upstream release candidate:
     - d/static: Refreshed static assets for 2013.2~rc1.
     - d/patches: Refreshed patches.
   [ Chuck Short ]
   * debian/control: Add python-lesscpy as a suggests to optionally
     support online compression of static assets (LP: #1226674).
 horizon (1:2013.2~b3-0ubuntu2) saucy; urgency=low
   * Don't use /etc/openstack-dashboard for in-process generated data
     (LP: #1233752):
     - d/openstack-dashboard.{dirs,postinst}:
       + Create /var/lib/openstack-dashboard with restricted permissions,
         allowing www-data user to write a secret_key if need be.
       + Move /etc/openstack-dashboard/secret_key to correct location if
         it already exists.
     - d/p/ubuntu_settings.patch: Use /var/lib/openstack-dashboard for
       secret key storage instead of /etc/openstack-dashboard.
 horizon (1:2013.2~b3-0ubuntu1) saucy; urgency=low
   * New upstream release.
   * debian/control: Minimum python-openstack-auth version >= 1.1.1.
   * debian/control: Add python-troveclient.
   * debian/static: Refresh static assets for 2013.2~b3.
   * debian/patches: ubuntu_local_settings.patch -> ubuntu_settings.patch, also
     patch location of secret key in openstack_dashboard/settings.py
 horizon (1:2013.2~b2-0ubuntu6) saucy; urgency=low
   * debian/patches/ubuntu_local_settings.py: Set flexible
     default for ALLOWED_HOSTS that should be changed for production
     deployments (LP: #1214982).
   * Fix (LP: #1216019):
     - debian/openstack-dashboard.{postinst, postrm}: Add/remove horizon
       user.  Ensure /etc/openstack-dashbard ownership.
     - debian/openstack-dashboard.conf: Run WSGIDaemonProcess as user
       horizon, set WSGIProcessGroup to horizon.
     - debian/patches/ubuntu_local_settings.py: Generate and load secret
       key from /etc/openstack-dashboard/secret_key.
 horizon (1:2013.2~b2-0ubuntu5) saucy; urgency=low
   * d/static/*: Refresh static assets for 2013.2~b2.
   * d/rules: Tweak helper for refreshing static assets to link
     local_settings.py correctly.
   * d/openstack-dashboard.p*: Fix typo in configuration file name,
     ensure consistent use of tabs/spaces.
 horizon (1:2013.2~b2-0ubuntu4) saucy; urgency=low
   * Update for apache 2.4, preserve 2.2 compatability. (LP: #1218535)
 horizon (1:2013.2~b2-0ubuntu3) saucy; urgency=low
   * debian/rules: Don't remove egg information while cleaning.
     (LP: #1210253)
 horizon (1:2013.2~b2-0ubuntu2) saucy; urgency=low
   * debian/control: Fix typo in depends.
 horizon (1:2013.2~b2-0ubuntu1) saucy; urgency=low
   [ James Page ]
   * d/control: Update VCS fields for new branch locations.
   * Automate refresh of static assets:
     - d/rules: Added refresh-static-assets helper target.
     - d/README.compression: Updated for new process.
   * d/static/*: Refreshed static assets.
   [ Chuck Short ]
   * New upstream release
   * debian/control:
     - Add python-ceilometerclient
     - Add python-heatclient
     - Renamed python-quantumclient to python-neturonclient.
   * debian/curles: Removed instances of quantum since its cruft
     that we dont need anymore.
 horizon (1:2013.2~b1-0ubuntu1) saucy; urgency=low
   * New upstream release.
   * debian/patches/ubuntu_local_settings.patch: Refreshed
   * debian/control: Add python-pbr and python-d2to1.
 horizon (1:2013.1-0ubuntu3) raring; urgency=low
   * Re-sync Ubuntu theme with upstream changes, fixing instance network
     selection dialog and network topology screens (LP: #1157918).
 horizon (1:2013.1-0ubuntu2) raring; urgency=low
   * Recompress static JS and CSS and generate new manifest.json for
     offline compression.
 horizon (1:2013.1-0ubuntu1) raring; urgency=low
   * New upstream release.
 horizon (1:2013.1~rc2-0ubuntu1) raring; urgency=low
   * New upstream release.
 horizon (1:2013.1~rc1-0ubuntu1) raring; urgency=low
   [ James Page ]
   * New upstream release candidate for Grizzly:
     - Recompress static JS and CSS and generate new manifest.json for
       offline compression.
   * d/watch: Update uversionmangle to deal with upstream versioning
     changes, remove tarballs.openstack.org.
   * d/control: Version python-compressor >= 1.2 (LP: #1130610).
   [ Adam Gandelman ]
   * debian/patches/ubuntu_local_settings.py: Refresh, specify memcache
     location as part of CACHES, as per upstream changes to example config.

** Changed in: cloud-archive/kilo
       Status: Fix Committed => Fix Released

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
OpenStack, which is subscribed to Ubuntu Cloud Archive.

  [SRU] unreadable text color in confirmation dialog with ubuntu theme

Status in Ubuntu Cloud Archive:
  Fix Released
Status in Ubuntu Cloud Archive kilo series:
  Fix Released
Status in Ubuntu Cloud Archive mitaka series:
  Fix Released
Status in Ubuntu Cloud Archive newton series:
  Fix Released
Status in Ubuntu Cloud Archive ocata series:
  Fix Released
Status in Ubuntu Cloud Archive pike series:
  Fix Released
Status in horizon package in Ubuntu:
  Fix Released
Status in horizon source package in Xenial:
  Fix Released
Status in horizon source package in Zesty:
  Fix Released
Status in horizon source package in Artful:
  Fix Released

Bug description:
  The same symptom appeared as LP: #1308651.

  When deleting an instance or other resources, confirmation dialog will
  be shown up. Background color and text color of confirm button are
  orange/orange. Firefox calculated css rules are as follows (color:
  #DD4814, background-color: #DD4814).

  element {

  a, a:link, a:visited {

      color: #DD4814;

  .btn-primary {

      background: #DD4814 none repeat scroll 0% 0%;
      border-color: #C64012;

  .btn-primary {

      color: #FFF;
      background-color: #428BCA;
      border-color: #357EBD;

  .btn {

      display: inline-block;
      margin-bottom: 0px;
      font-weight: normal;
      text-align: center;
      vertical-align: middle;
      cursor: pointer;
      background-image: none;
      border: 1px solid transparent;
      white-space: nowrap;
      padding: 6px 12px;
      font-size: 13px;
      line-height: 1.42857;
      border-radius: 4px;
      -moz-user-select: none;


  $ apt-cache policy openstack-dashboard-ubuntu-theme
    Installed: 1:2015.1.0-0ubuntu1~cloud0
    Candidate: 1:2015.1.0-0ubuntu1~cloud0
    Version table:
   *** 1:2015.1.0-0ubuntu1~cloud0 0
          500 http://ubuntu-cloud.archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/ trusty-updates/kilo/main amd64 Packages
          100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
       1:2014.1.5-0ubuntu2 0
          500 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty-updates/main amd64 Packages
       1:2014.1.2-0ubuntu1.1 0
          500 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty-security/main amd64 Packages
       1:2014.1-0ubuntu1 0
          500 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty/main amd64 Packages

  [Test Case]
  See screenshots attached to bug.

  [Regression Potential]
  This is a minor update to scss primary-button color override for the openstack dashboard with minimal regression potential.

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