[ubuntu-nz] Kaitaia Ubuntu users

Dave Lane dave at lane.net.nz
Tue May 20 22:57:55 UTC 2014

Hello Gary,

On 21/05/14 09:30, Gary Little wrote:
> I live in Kaitaia and am interested in changing from Win8 to Ubuntu.
> Before changing over, I would like to link up with a local user to get
> firsthand, the pitfalls, benefits, and the best way of using Ubuntu.

Very good move :). I'd encourage you to join the NZLUG mailing list
(http://lists.nzoss.org.nz/mailman/listinfo/nzlug), and you could also
join the NZ Open Source Society's OpenChat list (see
http://lists.nzoss.org.nz/mailman/listinfo/openchat). Both will provide
you with groups of people happy to assist you if you run into trouble.
NZLUG is dealing with on technical issues, and OpenChat is more
appropriate for questions related to Open Source Software and the
implications - and questions about file format compatibility,
"standards", licenses, and that sort of thing. http://nzoss.org.nz
provides a wealth of info as well.

(Disclosure, I'm president of the NZOSS)

All the best with your transition,


m: 021 229 8147
w: http://lane.net.nz

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