[ubuntu-nz] Ubuntu NZ maintainers

Johann Schoonees johann at schoonees.org.nz
Wed Nov 30 05:40:24 UTC 2011

On Tue, 2011-11-29 at 21:02 +1300, Jaco wrote:
> I've asked this elsewhere before, but still not entirely sure what the 
> situation is.
> I'd just like to know who the stewards are for Ubuntu's trademarks (& 
> other IP) in NZ?
> Take a look at www.nzma.ac.nz/Courses.aspx

It looks to me like a naive website developer "borrowing" cool-looking
logos from the net.  They may only need a friendly nudge to realize
their mistake?

No idea who in NZ might have stewardship of the trademarks, if any.


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