[ubuntu-nz] Ubuntu NZ maintainers
freakalad at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Nov 29 23:55:44 UTC 2011
Cheers Rob.
I've discussed it off-list with some members & I don't think there's
malicious intent.
Will keep an eye on it
- Jaco
On Wed Nov 30 12:34:36 2011, Robert Collins wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 11:58 AM, Dave Lane<dave at egressive.com> wrote:
>> On further discussion (at the Egressive offices, where we use a lot of
>> Ubuntu and Debian), we've decided that, even if they did copy the Ubuntu
>> logo, NZMA are not trying to pass themselves off as Ubuntu, and are
>> operating in a different domain so they probably can't be mistaken for
>> Ubuntu. They're also not using the same colours.
>> I'm not a lawyer, but even though they might well have "borrrowed" the
>> design, I suspect they're probably not infringing on a trademark.
>> And on further consideration, my accusation of them infringing on
>> Debian's brand is probably not valid either - doesn't look similar
>> enough to be a copy.
> http://www.ubuntu.com/aboutus/trademarkpolicy
> provides our guidelines. The rules around trademarks are a bit larger
> than passing-off-as - think more 'are they leveraging the brand'.
> Anyhow, Ubuntu has pretty permission rules by default, and no, we
> don't have an in-NZ counsel or representative as far as trademarks go.
> I or one of the other staff that live here can certainly act as a
> contact to escalate things to legal in the UK; and the international
> IP laws allow the UK (head office) to take care of most things from
> there.
> Cheers,
> Rob
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