[ubuntu-nz] problems updating or installing any downloaded software

Jeff Hunt jeffhunt90 at gmail.com
Sun Jun 19 17:24:33 UTC 2011

The man apt-get page is one of the most readable in the system (which
isn't saying very much). Try the command man apt-get when you feel

I think this may be fixed for you in time. I searched on the problem
you have and couldn't find it but if the package is mis-named there
will be a lot of bothered people out there.

The trick will be to correctly identify the name of the package to
remove and then try something like
sudo apt-get purge libxine
If you continue to get the same problem uninstalling then you really
do have a head-scratcher.

It will take a bit of time and bother but the upgrade process is very
robust and once it gets this out of the way it will be fine. I would
be wary of interfering with systems like update and synaptic.

I had a similar problem with a package with a misnamed version number
and the system rejected it until it was re-packaged and made available

Incidentally there is a very good section in the Ubuntu help these
days for getting multimedia to play using gstreamer. You can find it
under playing dvd's I think and just follow through clicking on the
downloads  and it works.
A simple install of Audacity is also very good for multi-media.

I'd be interested in how you get on.

On 6/19/11, David Beale <daveandgail at xtra.co.nz> wrote:
> hi Jeff/group,
> 	tried to un-install as you suggested, using synaptic but got the same
> error.
> Libxine1 is a video media package that I am quite happy to get rid of
> the whole thing but like I say it won't un-install whilst it has this
> file naming error. I am reluctant to just start deleting files.
> Also it is difficult to ascertain which of the various media (video)
> programs use libxine
> i have tried to re-install all apps within the libxine group usin
> synaptic but to no avail.
> I am not that good at using the command line on a terminal (know enough
> to be dangerous) so any further suggestions would be welcome.
> Thanks
> Dave
> On Sun, 2011-06-19 at 18:09 +1200, Jeff Hunt wrote:
>> A guess but libxine is not the download system so I guess that it has
>> been put into the repository with a faulty name and the whole process
>> is hanging because it can't get past this.
>> If you have one of the xine family installed I would try to uninstall
>> it and then redo the download process.
>> On 6/19/11, David Beale <daveandgail at xtra.co.nz> wrote:
>> > hi group,
>> > 	I did try to post this with a couple of screen shots attached but that
>> > got hung up in the system (maybe doesn't like attachments)
>> >
>> > I can down load updates but when it comes to installing them it has a
>> > couple of cracks at de-packaging them and then faults with the following
>> > error:
>> > dpkg:erroe:parsing file '/var/lib/dpkg/available near line 23438 package
>> > ' libxine1-consule feild name 'xx' must be followed by a colon
>> >
>> > The XX are a box with two zeros on top line with 15 underneath
>> >
>> > At the time 54 updates were down loaded but none of them were installed
>> >
>> > this problem occurs also if I use either a terminal or synaptic to try
>> > and update
>> >
>> > Thought I would use Synaptic to reinstall Update Manager but it informs
>> > me that I already have the latest version. I guess the next step would
>> > be to remove update manager (not entirely sure how to do this) and
>> > re-install but due to the fault occurring with synaptic and when using a
>> > terminal perhaps the fault lays elsewhere.
>> >
>> > Any help would be welcome
>> > Thanks
>> > Dave
>> >
>> >
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