[ubuntu-nz] problems updating or installing any downloaded software

David Beale daveandgail at xtra.co.nz
Sun Jun 19 05:14:54 UTC 2011

hi group,
	I did try to post this with a couple of screen shots attached but that
got hung up in the system (maybe doesn't like attachments)

I can down load updates but when it comes to installing them it has a
couple of cracks at de-packaging them and then faults with the following
dpkg:erroe:parsing file '/var/lib/dpkg/available near line 23438 package
' libxine1-consule feild name 'xx' must be followed by a colon

The XX are a box with two zeros on top line with 15 underneath

At the time 54 updates were down loaded but none of them were installed

this problem occurs also if I use either a terminal or synaptic to try
and update

Thought I would use Synaptic to reinstall Update Manager but it informs
me that I already have the latest version. I guess the next step would
be to remove update manager (not entirely sure how to do this) and
re-install but due to the fault occurring with synaptic and when using a
terminal perhaps the fault lays elsewhere.

Any help would be welcome

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